Yuey Tan
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Team News - Alivenotdead.com get race car experience!

During Porsche’s fascincation weekend, the Wimobilize McElrea squad took a little out of the weekend to attend a private party run by major internet social network, ALIVE NOT DEAD. (www.alivenotdead.com) Boasting some of the hottest Hong Kong and Chinese celebrities on their social network, CEO Patrick Lee invited friends including triple world champion for Wushu and Wimobilize squad driver, Danny Chu.

“We asked them to come for joyrides after the race on Sunday at their party, so they all came and we had a lot of fun! I drove the first five passengers, and Yuey took the other five. It was a fun day for all of them I think!” exclaimed Chu.

Guests that attended from Alivenotdead.com include CEO Patrick Lee, COO Rafr Kamalian, photographer Christopher Lay and associates, Rebecca and Ming Hu.

Alivenotdead artiste, Christopher Lay had this to say. “Everyone enjoyed the ride but I personally do not feel the need to ever climb into one of those cars again. I’ll stick with the street models, thank you very much. Although I hear they run the race at night in Singapore, so that must be cool to experience. Maybe I’ll have to get down there in September!!”

While Chief Executive Lee says that he was not good with speed he came out of the car un-phased by the G-forces and speed! His associate Ming Hu seemed to be having an absolutely fantastic time as well.

“When Ming Hu got into the car, he kept on telling me to drive slowly. I told him he’d come to the wrong place for that!” said Tan. “He enjoyed himself nevertheless! He had a big grin on his face when he got out of the car!”

Alivenotdead.com and Wimobilize McElrea Racing Team look to be meeting again next month in the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia in Zhuhai.


Members Conroy Chan, Andrew Lin, Daniel Wu and Terence Yin created Alive and the original alivenotdead.com website to support and promote the movie, "The Heavenly Kings". A mockmentary following the rise and fall of the fictitious Hong Kong boyband Alive, the film provided a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges facing artists in Hong Kong. It also provided Hong Kong musicians with a platform to speak their minds about the state of the Hong Kong music scene, many issues of which apply to artists everywhere.

While making and promoting "The Heavenly Kings," Alive came to realize that it was not enough to make a statement regarding the industry if you did not work to address the issues raised. Rotten Tomatoes co-founder Patrick Lee served as the film's executive producer and, with Alive, developed the idea to create an online community that would be able to help artists in Hong Kong. A team (which included a number of former Rotten Tomatoes team members) was formed in Hong Kong in January 2007 and the new web site was launched in April 2007. Since the launch, the community has grown rapidly to encompass artists and fans around-the-world with the single-minded purpose of helping to support the arts and artists worldwide.

For more information, please visit www.alivenotdead.com and sign up for an account!

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June 10, 2008