Yuey Tan
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Team News - It was 2 years ago Yuey raced the jet!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OPxcBjUi_Q&feature=channel_video_title

Does time fly as Yuey Tan and the McElrea Racing team look back two years into the past. It was that time frame to the day, on September 5th 2009, where Tan and the Porsche GT3 Cup Car lined up against a Boeing 747 on the Changi Airport runway. 

Some two and a half years ago, Singaporean race driver Yuey Tan hatched the idea that he would like to race his car versus a jet on the Changi Airport runway. Through personal contacts, Tan set about looking for an event company, a film crew and someone that had an airplane that he could borrow for a few rehearsals and an event. To his surprise, things came together a little quicker than originally planned and on August 5th, 2009, the crew that was The Changi Airport Race executed the first rehearsal of the event.

"The day was definitely something I will never forget," said McElrea Racing driver, Yuey Tan. "It was a day where we did several runs as there were a lot of safety pre-cautions and clearances needed to give the go ahead for the public to enjoy this fantastic event."

With the partnership of Stuttgart Auto, Porsche, Division Communications, IDP Media, Michelin and Porsche Design, Jett 8 Airles and the airport gave the go ahead for the event and on September 5th, 2009, it was go time for the car and the jet.

On the event day itself, the Porsche edged out the Boeing 747 from a standing start over a 1 .7km race distance by a mere 4 tenths of a second. The awesome acceleration of such a large aircraft as the Boeing 747 was incredible, though the Boeing was stripped out to bare minimum weight. Piloted by Captain Peter Leo, the aircraft pilot had a sensational day, just as the race driver did as well. The Porsche car reach speeds in excess of 260kph, making the finish at maximum velocity quite a close feat.

Honorary guests, Ms. Lim Hwee Hwa was in attendance as well as the CEO of the Changi AIrport, sponsors and partners.

"The event was designed to let Singapore know that Singaporean race drivers and races do exist outside of Formula 1. Motorsport is new in Asia and it will take time for everyone to understand that there is much more to racing than just Formula 1. And if Singapore are to reap the benefits of Formula 1 in the country, a culture will be built over a generation where people will yearn for racing non stop. There are many countries in the world just like this!"

"It was a sensational day and many of our friends participated in making the event happen. Porsche Carrera Cup Asia has been a good support for us, as has Motorsport Asia, AFOS, Michelin in addition to the private partners that we've had, such as AutoInc."

Yuey Tan's next race is at the Singapore GP Weekend, in the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia on September 23-25.

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 93754
G'day Koko! Haha yeah I remember that article I think.... Hey Mate! How goes it in HK??? Still partying it up over there??
大约 13 年 ago



June 10, 2008