Yuey Tan
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Team News - Tan & McElrea join forces with expansion

Mobile technology shareholder, Yuey Tan and Andy McElrea are in current negotiations to start a customized racing service in Singapore. This comes after good success with applying the McElrea business model in Australia and Asia over the last 24 months. The motorsport school will begin with building drivers on a one-on-one basis and move on to groups for car manufacturers in Singapore.New Zeland born, Andy McElrea has enjoyed a long and illustrious career in the world of motorsport. He has had careers spanning Europe, the Americas, Australia, and his native homeland, New Zeland as well. Though very much like the rest of the world, the paradigm has started to shift from the Western world, to the Asian continent.Team Boss, Andy McElrea had this to say. “I thoroughly enjoy working up in Asia so it makes good sense to increase our presence up there. It is also quite obvious that there is huge potential for our team as Asia’s level of interest in motorsport is growing at an enormous rate. In Australia, many of the teams are chasing the same customers and sponsors so it is difficult to expand your team, so this fits very well for us. We are also very proud of our Driver Development Program which has been very successful in Australia since 2004 - our drivers going on to win GT and V8 Supercar championships.”He also continued by explaining that in alignment with many other industries, the funding for motorsport in the Western world has been all but tapped out. “In Australasia, Europe and the US, motorsport has been popular for many years. As a result, 99.9% of companies that have an interest in marketing through motorsport have done, or are doing so already. It seems corporate Asia is just learning how exciting, dynamic and effective motorsport can be as a marketing platform.”Team Boss, Andy McElrea and driver Yuey Tan, will soon be ready to offer motorsport services to clients, interested in becoming a race car driver.“The plan is to recreate Andy’s highly successful business model in Asia, as we seem to have a lot more equity, and a lot less education as to how to spend this money. It is no secret that since I joined up with Andy at McElrea Racing, I have developed myself as a driver and spent less money while engaging more expensive engineers. They have taught me how to save on tyres, avoid contact, keep costs low. This is how the team has been surviving,” Singaporean driver, Yuey Tan said.“Now we are finishing in the top 10 in Australia and Asia Cup’s. I am only looking forward!” Tan concluded.

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June 10, 2008