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Zhang Lanxin 张蓝心
Actor , Sports
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Accompanied by Jackie Chan on the Shanghai Film Festival Red Carpet|《十二生肖》成龍攜跆拳道冠軍張藍心|《十二生肖》成龙携跆拳道冠军张蓝心

Taekwondo national champion, Zhang Lan Xin starred in Jackie Chan’s new movie “12 Zodiac”, which debuted in the Shanghai international Film Festival

In the movie, Zhang Lanxin plays the role of Bonnie alongside Jackie Chan, Sang woo, who together form a band of Jewelry thieves that provides thrilling action. In the film, Zhang Lanxin exhibits her 10 years of taekwondo martial arts skills, choosing to do each of her own fight scenes. Zhang Lan Xin’s image as the new generations ‘fighting woman’ has begun to take shape.

Zhang Lanxin in attended the Shanghai International Film Festival alongside Jackie Chan, which earned the full support of several major brands.

This long black dress by Emily Ma Studio seen on the red carpet, takes inspiration from the elegant posture of a peacock, the designed uses a classic black and silver gradient to highlight the wearer’s elegant qualities and graceful walk, Zhang Lanxin is one of the more elegant actress contests to be found on the red carpet.   

A member of the same name brand set of Jewelry worn the same day by the French's Ms. Brigitte Ermel, made a special trip from France to Shanghai where Zhang Lanxin triumphantly wore the inlaid pearl diamond ruby earrings and rings in the opening ceremony of the film festival.

| 曾經的國家隊運動員。跆拳道全國冠軍  張藍心 參演成龍新片《十二生肖》 亮相上海國際電影節

張藍心在電影中飾演Bonnie 與成龍 權相佑 廖凡 四人組成國際盜寶團隊 上演驚險刺激的奪寶行動。在片中,張藍心展示了她練習跆拳道十年的武打功力,打戲皆由其自行完成,由專業的跆拳道運動員向影視演員的轉變,張藍心新一代“打女”形象已初具雛形。


紅毯上一襲迤邐的由Emily Ma Studio提供的黑色全手工長禮服,這款禮服的靈感來自於孔雀開屏的萬千姿態,設計師采用經典的黑銀漸變凸現穿著者的高貴氣質,以駝鳥毛尾擺展現步行中的婀娜姿態,使得張藍心在女星爭奇鬥艷的紅毯上更顯優雅。

當天佩戴的珠寶由法國高端珠寶協會成員Brigitte Ermel女士同名品牌提供,這套珠寶由法國專程空運到上海,張藍心佩戴由珍珠 鉆石 紅寶石鑲嵌而成的耳環及戒指,在電影節開幕式上熠熠生輝。

| 曾经的国家队运动员。跆拳道全国冠军  张蓝心 参演成龙新片《十二生肖》 亮相上海国际电影节

张蓝心在电影中饰演Bonnie 与成龙 权相佑 廖凡 四人组成国际盗宝团队 上演惊险刺激的夺宝行动。在片中,张蓝心展示了她练习跆拳道十年的武打功力,打戏皆由其自行完成,由专业的跆拳道运动员向影视演员的转变,张蓝心新一代“打女”形象已初具雏形。张蓝心随成龙《十二生肖》一起出席上海国际电影节,得到了各大品牌的鼎力支持。

红毯上一袭迤逦的由Emily Ma Studio提供的黑色全手工长礼服,这款礼服的灵感来自于孔雀开屏的万千姿态,设计师采用经典的黑银渐变凸现穿着者的高贵气质,以驼鸟毛尾摆展现步行中的婀娜姿态,使得张蓝心在女星争奇斗艳的红毯上更显优雅。

当天佩戴的珠宝由法国高端珠宝协会成员Brigitte Ermel女士同名品牌提供,这套珠宝由法国专程空运到上海,张蓝心佩戴由珍珠 钻石 红宝石镶嵌而成的耳环及戒指,在电影节开幕式上熠熠生辉。

over 12 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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jackie is a lucky guy! :-P
over 12 years ago


张蓝心 跆拳道全国冠军 参演成龙新片《十二生肖》

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Beijing, China
Member Since
September 16, 2008