After Cannes Festival and Comic-Con in San Diego, the movie 'CZ12', a.k.a.'Chinese Zodiac', has finally made its way back to its native China! Jackie Chan, the director, lead actor, action choreographer and producer of the film, kicked started the movie's premier in Beijing last night. Set to make an entrance, Jacky speed his way to the premier in his flashy sports car with his co-stars Yao Xintong (姚星彤) and Zhang Lanxin(张蓝心). As Jackie Chan's 101th work since he's inside the showbiz business, 'CZ12'has a special importance to the world-renowed action actor and he has dedicated to make it a blast. The globe-trotting adventures of Chan's story has sent them all over the world, and so is it's worldwide publicity campaign. Chan has dedicated himself to making this into 'one of his most important film in his career'. The two latest hot babes has lots of good things to say about working with the great master Chan, and commented that this is 'not just another action movie'. 'Usually girls hate watching action movies, but this one really captures all the girls' hearts', comments Yao Xintong. Her co-star Zhang Lanxin jokes, 'I have always thought that all those flashy actions in movies are just fake. But during the course of shotting, I have got myself sent to the hospital alongside with Jackie - he in a wheelchair, myself walking with the help of a stick, now I know how real all the actions are'.Zhang shows off her champion-worthy Taekwondo skills on the premier - in her sexy low-cut catsuit. Not only she wows us with her martial arts skills, she also sent the room into uproarious laughter with her story about how she almost loses her spot in the audition. 'I got a call the other day: "We've heard that you're a Taekwondo champion, and we'd like to invite you over for an audition for a Jackie Chan movie". I thought it's just a silly prank and I just hang up'. Thank god that the 2004 national Taekwondo championship winner made it to the audition afterall! Now Zhang's the latest search engine hit in China and millions is eagar to learn all about this latest Taekwondo babe. The trailer and behind the scenes of 'CZ12' has also been announced on the premier. The film is set to be filmed in Toronto Film Festival in September, and is set for release in China on 12th December.
《十二生肖》作為成龍從影以來的第101部作品,有著特殊意義,因此成龍不僅在戲裡遁天入地轉戰多國,戲外更是配合宣傳從戛納到北美再返回國內。此次發布會,成龍攜兩位女演員姚星彤和張藍心大玩速度,親駕跑車從會場外直接飆車到發布會台前。兩位“龍女郎”也親見成龍大哥的拼命精神,並直言《十二生肖》的動作戲“不一般”,姚星彤笑言:“一般女生都不太喜歡看動作片,但成龍大哥的電影就能俘獲女生的心。”張藍心則幽默表示:“以前看電影我以為這些動作都是假的,但直到拍完《十二生肖》,我拄著拐,大哥坐著輪椅,一起進醫院,我才了解這些動作有多真實。” 在《十二生肖》主題發布會,新人張藍心黑紗低胸劈腿驚艷全場,直率的她更大爆自己在接到試鏡電話的糗事,讓全場爆笑:“接到電話說"聽說你是跆拳道冠軍,想請你來為成龍大哥的新片試鏡",我以為是騙子就把電話掛了”。雖然張藍心差一點就失去這個機會,但是她還是表現完美的成為了成龍電影《十二生肖》女配角成龍大哥一直都是實打實,這個我們都知道,但沒想到成龍大哥手下都是能人輩出。近日,成龍大哥帶著《十二生肖》的兩位女主角張藍心以及姚星彤亮相。當天的《十二生肖》新人張藍心黑紗低胸劈腿驚艷全場。而成龍這次的新人龍女郎張藍心能做出如此高難度的劈腿動作的原因,竟是張藍心曾是2004年全國跆拳道55公斤級冠軍!一事之間。這位《十二生肖》新人張藍心的個人資料成為網友的新目標。據悉,該片9月將赴多倫多電影節,暫定於12月12日全國上映。
《十二生肖》作为成龙从影以来的第101部作品,有着特殊意义,因此成龙不仅在戏里遁天入地转战多国,戏外更是配合宣传从戛纳到北美再返回国内。此次发布会,成龙携两位女演员姚星彤和张蓝心大玩速度,亲驾跑车从会场外直接飙车到发布会台前。两位“龙女郎”也亲见成龙大哥的拼命精神,并直言《十二生肖》的动作戏“不一般”,姚星彤笑言:“一般女生都不太喜欢看动作片,但成龙大哥的电影就能俘获女生的心。”张蓝心则幽默表示:“以前看电影我以为这些动作都是假的,但直到拍完《十二生肖》,我拄着拐,大哥坐着轮椅,一起进医院,我才了解这些动作有多真实。” 在《十二生肖》主题发布会,新人张蓝心黑纱低胸劈腿惊艳全场,直率的她更大爆自己在接到试镜电话的糗事,让全场爆笑:“接到电话说"听说你是跆拳道冠军,想请你来为成龙大哥的新片试镜",我以为是骗子就把电话挂了”。虽然张蓝心差一点就失去这个机会,但是她还是表现完美的成为了成龙电影《十二生肖》女配角
张蓝心 跆拳道全国冠军 参演成龙新片《十二生肖》