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Zhang Lanxin 张蓝心
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Zhang Lanxin at Shanghai Film Festival Huayi Night for "12 Zodiac"|華誼之夜 成龍 張藍心 十二生肖|华谊之夜 成龙 张蓝心 十二生肖

跆拳道全国冠军 张蓝心 参演成龙新片《十二生肖》 亮相上海国际电影节 华谊之夜

Taekwondo national champion, Zhang Lan Xin starred in Jacki Chan’s new movie “12 Zodiac”, which debuted in the Shanghai international Film Festival.

In the movie, Zhang Lan Xin plays the role of Bonnie alongside Jackie Chan, Sang woo, who together form a band of Jewelry thieves that provides thrilling action. In the film, Zhang Lan Xin exhibits her 10 years of taekwondo martial arts skills, choosing to do each of her own fight scenes. Zhang Lanxin’s image as the new generations ‘fighting woman’ has begun to take shape.

Zhang Lanxin attended the Shanghai International Film Festival alongside Jackie Chan, earning the full support of every major brand.

The golden-mesh dress by Emily Ma Studio, beaded with yarn, adheres to Europe and the United State’s trend of a sexy and atmospheric dress, the bold and clever use of netting and beading, creates a very rich and full design. Sex appeal without losing freshness.          

The sparkling yellow and white diamonds, by forevermark, highlight the luxurious and elegant qualities of each other.

Golden STELLALUNA sandals, finish the outfit with a harmonious unity

| 跆拳道全國冠軍 張藍心 參演成龍新片《十二生肖》 亮相上海國際電影節 華誼之夜

張藍心在電影中飾演Bonnie 與成龍 權相佑 廖凡 四人組成國際盜寶團隊 上演驚險刺激的奪寶行動。在片中,張藍心展示了她練習跆拳道十年的武打功力,打戲皆由其自行完成,由專業的跆拳道運動員向影視演員的轉變,張藍心新一代“打女”形象已初具雛形。


這款由Emily Ma Studio提供的金色網紗釘珠小禮服,秉持歐美禮服一貫的性感和大氣,大膽而巧妙的利用網紗貼片、釘珠,一片布料不用,即打造豐富的層次。性感而不失清新。



| 跆拳道全国冠军 张蓝心 参演成龙新片《十二生肖》 亮相上海国际电影节 华谊之夜

张蓝心在电影中饰演Bonnie 与成龙 权相佑 廖凡 四人组成国际盗宝团队 上演惊险刺激的夺宝行动。在片中,张蓝心展示了她练习跆拳道十年的武打功力,打戏皆由其自行完成,由专业的跆拳道运动员向影视演员的转变,张蓝心新一代“打女”形象已初具雏形。


这款由Emily Ma Studio提供的金色网纱钉珠小礼服,秉持欧美礼服一贯的性感和大气,大胆而巧妙的利用网纱贴片、钉珠,一片布料不用,即打造丰富的层次。性感而不失清新。



over 12 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, elegant! thanks for sharing!
over 12 years ago


张蓝心 跆拳道全国冠军 参演成龙新片《十二生肖》

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September 16, 2008