Official Artist
zhou le
Actor , Director , Editor (Film) , Special Effects (SFX) Artist
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China Vs Germany!!! 1 - 1!

i just back home, we've being watching a football match, at shanghai stadium, between China and Germany (it was a friendly game).

China played very very very well, i was very surprise, they got the first point few minutes later!!

Of course Germany also play well but we wasnt there for support them :P

I think china will become better and better!!!!!


about 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 41406
Bande de... meme pas vous m'avez dit que vous y alliez alors que c'est en face de chez moi...
about 15 years ago
Photo 49112
@loan: moi, je l'ai su 5 minutes avant que henry achete les tickets (280 kuai), je devais meme pas y aller a l'origine
about 15 years ago
Photo 41406
bon ca va alors z'etes pardonne et de toute facon y avait pas Karl Hein Schneider dans l'equipe allemande alors pas de regrets...
about 15 years ago


Belgian independant filmmaker in China! Making some cool short films online! 比利時導演住中國拍攝酷的微電影。

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english, mandarin, french
Location (City, Country)
Beijing, China
Member Since
December 13, 2007