RT @SisConvinceMe: No one wants to see their children buried inside earth, Please don't kill #children :'(
RT @Alhamdhulillaah: Help me against myself by enjoining good, forbidding evil, and sincerely advising me - Umar ibn al-Khattab (radhiAllah…
RT @TimmyTokyo1: @JesselynRadack Funny how torturers are just overzealous patriots, while whistleblowers are traitors.
@ale_alomo Yo creo que pago este mes y me doy de baja. Chau todo. Quiero ser libre de este consumismo estéril.
RT @RevolutionSyria: It’s working well. #Syria http://t.co/DCE0vMABsz
RT @PeterClifford1: #Syria Crisis attaining "epic proportions" as Turkey struggles with refugees &12,020 killed by #Assad's airstrikes: h…
RT @latteofmylife: Hizbut Tahrir Campaign "Respond O Muslim Armies to Support the People of Palestine" #MuslimArmies4Gaza @MArmies4Gaza htt…
We ♥ #ISIS
@arabellalucia Hacele un F-U bien en la cara y si te dice algo mandala bien a la mierda.
@petroleocrudo ¿Nada más? Ah claro, hoy es sábado...
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