Cosecha del Diablo
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RT @ForeignAffairs: Instead of disarming Hamas, Israel should focus on finding a long-term political solution to the fighting in Gaza: http…

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RT @AgenciaTelam: [Efemérides 6 de agosto] 1945: Es arrojada la primera bomba atómica. Más efemérides: http://t.co/1h0jpmO3jl http://t.co/O…

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RT @Ghamasan1: @iscaliphatenews Communist #Chinese force

Uyghur Muslim to break his fast during

Ramadan in #China (Source:


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RT @Ibero_Anon: EE.UU.: "Un 'nuevo Snowden' filtra datos secretos que comprometen la seguridad nacional" http://t.co/Rf4ae9rw31

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RT @ejaz_k: @tajimustafa :Saudi King sent a whole army when Bahrain's leader was in trouble,but little girl who's house was bombed he didnt…

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RT @Louangie: Yes! #Media we not believe the Statement of #BibiN whatever you will say 2 try to clean #BibiN Is the killer no1 in #Palesti…

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RT @valeriaweise: Para explicar a los chicos lo que pasó ayer con Guido y Estela @CanalPakapaka @abuelasdifusion http://t.co/6M4UsTnRU0 htt…

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RT @soyunasur: La Humanizacion del sionismo no se reduce al Pueblo judio, ya que de hecho hay muchos judios que reniegan del sionismo .@ana…

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RT @islamicfreedom: Umar ibn al Khattab (RA) said: "Invite people to Islam even without words". They asked "How?". "With ur manners" he re…

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RT @AgenciaTelam: La OTAN denuncia un gran despliegue militar ruso cerca de Ucrania http://t.co/mWrRe7FlNm http://t.co/e7BUA09Loy

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©2009-2017 Grupo Naya Argentina™ www.gruponaya.com ® twitter:@CosechadeDiablo facebook/CosechaDelDiablo


Buenos Aires, Argentina
January 29, 2009