RT @KBalghari: “@RevolutionSyria: Sorry for the graphic images. We have no pretty ones of Assad’s genocide. #Syria http://t.co/vtG6PTUg57”
RT @RevolutionSyria: Remember to blame both sides to keep the #UN happy! #Syria http://t.co/Gl1dDIVA5z
@ale_alomo son unos forros hijos de mil putas
@ale_alomo Las empresas de telefonía se zarpan mal
@aliciablanc @Edihermida Yo soy hincha de #Huracan, pero a Edith la quiero más allá del color de la camiseta.
@Edi_hermida Felicidades cuerva
Make a better world to live: kill a jew. #KillAJew
RT @DemezRazak: Sayyed Hassan #Nasrallah the resistance in #Gaza is on quest for tangible #VICTORY http://t.co/i4eYnLGQUS #ICC4Israel !!!
RT @DemezRazak: "@RamAbdu: #israeli drones keep hovering at low attitudes over #Gaza skies. Terrorizing children no more! #GazaUnderAttack"…
RT @SisConvinceMe: @Louangie @wikileaks They sell their human morals to zionists with cheap price ! Be patient, they will pay to God..
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