Another short blog. This one about my friend Phil Ng. Since he's the target of a lot of tabloid stories lately, I'm going to photoshop this picture a bit to protect everyone's identity...
このブログは フィル君の話です。彼は最近たくさん パパラジーの問題が有ったから、この写真をPhotoshopしなければなりません。ごめん!
But let me just say that Phil's nickname really should be Sifu Serenade...
He really has some magic skillz at Karaoke...
And not just in English... that photo is him singing the classic song "I Love You" by Ozaki Yutaka(尾崎豊)... IN JAPANESE!
here's the song on Youtube (not Phil singing, Ozaki-san singing)
As you can probably see in the photo, the beautiful young mosaiced girl next to him could hardly keep control of herself when faced with such a full bore blast of sappy Japanese balladry delivered at point blank range! Ladies, you've been warned...
フィルはあまり日本語話せませんけど、カラオケで日本語の歌できる。写真の中、彼は奇麗女の子に日本語で尾崎豊の「I love you」を歌った。とてもびっくりだった。とても上手。僕は中国語の何個歌知っているけど、日本語でカラオケ歌うした事がない。。。浜崎の歌もと練習しなければなりません。。。
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