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【#每日影訊】 依瑪勞貝盧巔峰作《#神蹟》的編劇 #李聖輅 出席本屆電影節,我們的編輯亦與他進行專訪,大談《#神蹟》以及其他貝盧作品。全文:bit.ly/2JHeXDf 原來《神蹟》的劇本是源自他在獄中的見聞,對宗教、政治、政府的感受。李聖輅指貝盧通常以討論方式了解角色,找出當中蘊含的政治或權利意義,比較傾向哲學層面。

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #依瑪勞貝盧 #Himala #IshmaelBernal #RickyLee

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【#CineFan】珍甘比茵:《鋼琴別戀》、《性煙》 Jane Campion: THE PIANO and HOLY SMOKE

荷里活女星在珍甘比茵指導下散發另類光芒,演技突破一新耳目。在《#鋼琴別戀》,#荷莉亨特 飾演蘇格蘭啞女,帶着女兒和鋼琴再嫁到紐西蘭,卻與粗獷工人發生情慾關係,一箭雙鵰勇奪康城及奧斯卡影后殊榮,甘比茵更成為至今唯一在康城拿下金棕櫚獎的女導演。金像影后 #琦溫斯莉 在《#性煙》毫無保留的演出亦令人刮目相看:飾演尋求靈性覺醒的少女,慾望和克制之間的情感失控演繹得淋漓盡致。甘比茵富含象徵和隱喻的情節和鏡頭,更凸顯了女性矛盾而複雜的精神狀態。

Hollywood actresses shine exquisitely under #JaneCampion’s endearing films, in which female subjectivity takes center stage. Playing a mute Scotswoman who remarries in New Zealand and engages in a game of flirtation and exploration with a macho local worker, #HollyHunter’s...Read more

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【#每日影訊】 伊朗導演曼尼哈紀紀在本屆香港國際電影節帶來新作《?一般的導演》,並接受電影節專訪,大談恐懼、創作心得和社交媒體文化。全文:bit.ly/2IIWAfW ?️問:你會有恐懼嗎? ?答:有,但電影創作最使人興奮的地方,就是克服所有焦慮和恐懼的過程。拍電影有種面對觀衆的龐大責任感。這種責任,會使你能克服一切顧慮和恐懼。

[#FestivalDaily] Iranian filmmaker Mani Haghighi presented his film PIG ? at HKIFF42 and did an interview with us. Click the link below to read more! ?️Q: Do you have fears? ?A: Yes, but what’s exciting about filmmaking is a process of overcoming all these anxieties and fears. This very powerful sense of responsibility to your audience.

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #豬一般的導演 #曼尼哈紀紀 #Pig #ManiHaghighi

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【#CineFan】荷索:《綠蟻夢鄉》、《綠色眼鏡蛇》、《我的野蠻好友》 Herzog: WHERE THE GREEN ANTS DREAM, COBRA VERDE and MY BEST FIEND

荷索旋風訪港後,留下的言行身教,讓人慢慢細味。Cine Fan 接續選映其九部傑作,打頭陣的是?《#綠蟻夢鄉》,影迷正好從中領略他在大師班所說:「紀錄片的本質與劇情片無異,同樣是重塑現實以達致更接近真實的本相」。大師與傳奇演員寇斯金斯基愛恨糾纏的關係一直為人津津樂道,在兩人最後一次合作的?《#綠色眼鏡蛇》,以及金斯基去世十年後荷索的回憶之作?《#我的野蠻好友》,可親睹一導一演在互相折磨下迸發的創意火花,成就影史不朽經典。

WernerHerzog has left behind his inspiring lessons for life and filmmaking during his first visit to the HKIFF. Now, Cine Fan offers a good opportunity to ruminate on his insights through 9 more classics. From ?WHERE THE GREEN ANTS DREAM, fo...Read more

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Due to technical problems, the screening of MY BROTHER’S NAME IS ROBERT AND HE IS AN IDIOT, originally scheduled on 5 April, is cancelled. Another screening of the film will be held at the Hong Kong Arts Centre at 8:00pm on 18 April. Limited door tickets are on sale 30 mins prior to the screening time at Arts Centre on a first-come, first served basis. Full refund is also available.

? 詳情 Details: Read more

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【#每日影訊】 伊朗裔加拿大籍導演薩達芙科萊紀在《#叛逆黑紗》放映後,回答觀眾問題:bit.ly/2Eyqelt 被問到戲中鏡子的運用時,導演指出鏡子反覆出現是為了增強角色之間的張力:「鏡子反映出我們身處時空的局限,使雅花(Ava)的世界看來更令人窒息。在鏡像之中,雅花與家人兩代人直面對方,像活在斷裂的過去與未來,而非活在當下。」

[#FestivalDaily] Iranian-Canadian filmmaker Sadaf Foroughi answered questions from the audiences about her feature debut, #AVA. She remarked that the recurring use of mirrors heightened the tension between characters. “Mirrors reveal our limitations in time and space. It’s kind of a past and future, but never present. It’s like two generations facing each other.” Click the link below for more rec...Read more

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【#每日影訊】 辛貝克在上星期三與影迷面對面,詳談新作《歡迎光臨夢幻樂園》的創作感受。立即點擊以下圖片,重溫講座完整錄影片段及問答內容摘錄!? ?? 「在《歡迎光臨夢幻樂園》,我們想和荷里活大明星合作,(主持:能夠開名嗎?),好像不太好,不過也無所謂。計劃在2011年開始時,曾考慮過 ________(全場在笑),只因她是米奇老鼠俱樂部前成員,但後來發現並不需要這種噱頭。當我們得到資金後,母親一角也變為因養育女兒而成為性工作者的人,由名人來演的話會變得不真實。」

[#FestivalDaily] Click the link below for more recap of Sean Baker's Face-to-Face seminar after the screening of THE FLORIDA PROJECT held last Wednesday. Scroll down the article and you will find the full video of the seminar ? ?? "We’d actually been trying to get big Hollywood names... But when we finally got funding, we...Read more

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【#CineFan】甜姐兒vs高貴淑女 Sweetie vs Lady

甜姐兒與高貴淑女,在 #珍甘比茵 的鏡頭下,又豈是一般尋常女子?情緒不穩的女兒被縱容恣肆,搞到家無寧日,家人既愛且恨,不過原來半瘋小孩存活於每個人心底。#妮歌潔曼 演繹亨利詹姆斯筆下的紐約淑女,一心追求自由與理想愛情,到頭來卻是一個華麗蒼涼最後不免陰森的女性主義故事。甘比茵的不拘一格,在首部劇情長片《#甜姐兒》已一鳴驚人,入圍康城影展競賽單元,七年後在《#淑女本色》更大放異彩。✨4月14日《甜姐兒》映後座談會,影評人喬奕思及李焯桃為你細訴揚眉女子的獨特觸覺。

She is her father’s sweetie, but in #JaneCampion’s beautifully strange and compelling feature debut, this vulnerable and unreasonable girl has become a symbol of subversion. #NicoleKidman shines as the young American lady who urges for freedom in Henry James’ classic novel, but in Campion’...Read more

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【#每日影訊】 #山中瑤子 19歲完成首部作品《#傲嬌少女愛作戰》,是本屆電影節入圍火鳥大獎新秀電影競賽最年輕的導演。導演與香港觀眾見面時,直言在女主角Amiko 身上找到自己的影子:「她更像我成長時的一部分,我想用電影來紀錄這一時期的自已。」問答內容已摘錄在每日影訊 ,立即點擊以下圖片重溫。

[#FestivalDaily] As the youngest director among the nominees in the HKIFF42 Firebird Award Young Cinema Competition, #YamanakaYoko made her directorial debut with #AMIKO at 19. Asked about the relation between the director and the story, Yamanaka said she could see her own self in the character of Amiko -- “I wanted to make a film to record that part of myself.” Read more on Festival Daily at the link below.

<...Read more
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【#每日影訊】 著名中國藝術家 #徐冰 的首部劇情電影《#蜻蜓之眼》在HKIFF42舉行香港首映,場場爆滿。徐冰也親臨電影節和觀眾分享這部以超過一萬小時的監控攝像鏡頭為素材、「沒攝影師也沒演員」的電影創作經過。問答內容已摘錄在每日影訊 ,立即點擊以下圖片重溫。

[#FestivalDaily] The high-profile visual and installation artist Xu Bing's debut feature, DRAGONFLY EYES, has its Hong Kong premiere at HKIFF42 with three sold-out screenings. Xu met the audience and shared his experience in making this film without a central character and a director of photography. Read more on Festival Daily at the link below.

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #XuBing #DragonflyEyes

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009