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【#每日影訊】 導演 #行定勳 出席了新作《#河畔的惡意》的亞洲首映及映後問答環節。他簡單介紹了原作在1990年代的創作背景,並說希望透過這個青春故事回望這段日本國民活在死亡的陰霾之下的年代。精彩問答内容已摘錄在每日影訊 ,立即點擊以下圖片重溫。

[#FestivalDaily] Director #YukisadaIsao attended the Q&A session after the screening of RIVER'S EDGE, where he briefly introduced the historical context of the film. "That was the era when the Japanese were living under the shadow of death." Click the pic below and read more on Festival Daily.

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #riversedge #isaoyukisada

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【#HKIFF42】 尋人:持有3月26日晚上9:45於the sky cinema放映的《#平行生命的歷史碎片》門票(編號:3272856)的觀眾,請盡快以私訊聯絡我們⋯⋯因為你於終極大抽獎贏得Cine Fan電影節發燒友2019年會籍!恭喜哂 ? ??‍♂️是咁的,由3月20日至4月5日電影節期間,每日均有一場放映設驚喜抽獎(共17場),抽出一位幸運觀眾,送出豐富獎品一份。昨晚閉幕電影《嫲煩家族3走佬阿嫂》的世界首映場次,就有一位觀眾抽到林青霞親筆簽名的《雲外笑紅塵——林青霞》特刊一本。而這17場的觀眾,亦自動進入終極大抽獎環節,一名觀眾可獲贈Cine Fan電影節發燒友2019年會籍。 . ?Attention please: if you watched THE DEAD NATION at 9:45 pm on 26 March at the sky, check the number printed on the back of your ticket and see if it is 3272856! If the answer is yes -- congratulations! ? -- you won a Cine Fan Patron Privilege 2019 in the Ultimate Lucky ...Read more

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一連18日嘅第42屆香港國際電影節琴日圓滿結束~各位影迷今屆睇咗幾套戲?唔夠喉嘅,Cine Fan電影節發燒友四、五月繼續有華納荷索專題。而年度另一重頭戲夏日國際電影節日期亦公布為8月14至28號!HKIFF閉幕後,都要留意我地Facebook及Instagram消息呀!

HKIFF42 closed yesterday, but Cine Fan and SummerIFF will follow. Check out the Herzog retrospective in Cine Fan April/May Programme and mark your calendar for SummerIFF18. Like our Facebook/Instagram for more updates!

HKIFF42 #CineFan #SummerIFF18

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【#每日影訊】 在HKIFF42 上映的《看見你便想念你》是少數香港電影敢去碰觸抑鬱症及同性戀等社會禁忌題材。導演鍾德勝聯同片中主要演員麥子樂、李駿碩和袁浩揚等昨晚出席映後談,戲院座無虛席。鍾德勝多謝觀眾捧場之餘,亦表示擔心因仍未找到合適的發行商,故未知影片何時才有機會在戲院作商業放映。點擊以下連結,閱讀更多導演及演員的分享內容。

I MISS YOU WHEN I SEE YOU, director Simon Chung ventures into the socially invisible domain of depression and homosexuality. He attended the Q&A with actors Bryant Mak, Jun Li and Ronny Yuen. Chung was thrilled to see the theatre packed, with audience members responding positively. Yet, he said regrettably, no distributor has scheduled the film for commercial release. Click the link below and...Read more

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Due to technical problems, the screening of MY BROTHER'S NAME IS ROBERT AND HE IS AN IDIOT, originally scheduled today at 2:30pm at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, is cancelled. Another screening of the film will be arranged as soon as possible. Details will be announced once available.

As the technical problems have now been solved, the screenings of YOCHO at 6:00pm and WHAT A WONDERFUL FAMILY 3: MY ...Read more

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【#每日影訊】 「很簡單,主角只有不開心時才開心,到開心時就不開心了。」《哭上癮》導演巴比斯馬基迪斯出席4月1日的放映時說。點擊下圖閱讀映後談詳細整理。 本片入圍香港國際電影節火鳥大獎新秀電影競賽,是希臘詭異浪潮又一佳作。錯過了的觀眾,還有最後機會。加開場次:4月7日晚上9:00於星影匯。

[#FestivalDaily] “It’s very simple,” director of PITY, Babis Makridis told the audience at a Q&A session after the screening on 1 April. “Our hero is only happy when he’s unhappy, and he is unhappy when he’s happy.” Click the link below for more details of the Q&A. Don't miss out this dark satire from Greece -- additional screening on 7 April, 9 pm at The Metroplex.

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #Pity #哭上癮

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【#每日影訊】今屆電影節舉行了《家在蘭若寺》香港首映,更邀請到著名導演蔡明亮及金馬影帝李康生再度訪港。未能親自聽大師分享的影迷,快點擊以下影片!訂閱HKIFFS 的YouTube頻道,可重溫更多講座分享。 蔡明亮說一開始他是拒絕拍VR電影的,但後來當初HTC找他合作,給他看一些新研發的VR畫面,令他領悟到「VR其實只是一個縫合的概念」。他作了個生動的比喻:「就像是一張很長的集體合照,分了三次拍攝,再把它接合起來。VR大概也是這個概念。」就是這個概念,跟拍電影只有90度或最多180度的感覺截然不同,因而吸引了他的興趣。大師班詳細整理:bit.ly/2GBQLjQ

[#FestivalDaily] THE DESERTED’s Hong Kong premiere took place at HKIFF42, with renowned director Tsai Ming-Liang and actor Lee Kang-Sheng giving a master class. If you couldn't join us that day, we've got you covered. Watch the full video below! Subscribe to our YouTube cha...Read more

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【#HKIFF42】 導演辛貝克在《歡迎光臨夢幻樂園》放映後,與觀眾見面,討論這部電影的製作過程。導演指一般美國導演缺乏多樣性,主要以富有的白人為主角,以紐約和洛杉磯為背景。他希望自己的電影能夠把焦點移到甚少在美國電影出現的文化、階級及城市。今晚的講座影片將上載至HKIFFS的YouTube頻道。 . Director Sean Baker is now sharing his filmmaking experience after the screening of THE FLORIDA PROJECT. While mainstream American films are mostly about white people from the upper middle class in New York and Los Angeles, Sean would like to make films representing different kinds of culture and the unrepresented. We will upload the video tonight on our YouTube channel soon, so stay tuned! .

hkiff #seanbaker ...Read more

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【#HKIFF42】 錯過了4天的書刊特賣場,又想用特別優惠價(港幣330元)一併購買《雲外笑紅塵——林青霞》專題特刊(原價:港幣110元)及紅色版Moleskine x 林青霞記事簿(原價:258元)?請留言或私訊註明購買數量,我們將盡快通知你有關付款的安排。#限量20套 #可自取或郵寄 #運費自付

Limited package offer is available online now! “Brigitte Lin, Filmmaker In Focus” book + Moleskine x Brigitte Lin special edition notebook (red) = HKD 330! Leave a comment or inbox us, let us know your order quantity, and we will contact you soon! Only 20 packages are available. You could choose to pick up at our office or pay for delivery.

HKIFF #林青霞 #BrigitteLin Moleskine

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【#每日影訊】今屆電影節特別選映三部菲律賓新浪潮旗手依瑪勞貝盧的修復經典,更邀請到與貝盧合作的編劇李聖輅與觀眾分享影片創作背後的故事。李聖輅將於今晚的《#你全屬我》及聽晚《#飛上枝頭》放映場次與觀眾見面,觀眾可在放映當日於the sky cinema購買門票。

李聖輅在《神蹟》訪映前說:「拍攝期間,依瑪勞貝盧多番強調要百分百真實。他要求保持簡約,去除一切雜亂,直指問題核心。他曾責備攝影師把鏡頭周圍移動,叮囑他不能讓攝影機說故事。他說,要讓故事自然呈現。就算是幾百名病人請求女主角治病的場面,他也要起用真正患病的演員。而飾演Lolo Hugo 的男演員本身亦是失明人士。」全文:bit.ly/2Is5LRQ

[#FestivalDaily] HKIFF42 presents three restored classics of Philippine master Ishmael Bernal and invited Bernal’s screenwriter, Ricky Lee, to share his stories behind the scenes. Lee will meet the audiences again at the screenings of YOU ARE MINE and A...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009