JFung Remix
DJ, 音乐监製, 平面设计师, 摄影师
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剛到埗台北立即去了麵麵工作室 @djnoodlestw Bounce On Desks @bounceondecks x Tinder @tinder 的活動! 很高興認識了台灣DJ重量級人物 @djmykal 林哲儀大哥!超Nice der!我都變了小粉絲!哈哈!

DJ #Producer #Taipei #Taiwan

DJNoodles #DJMykal #JFung #JFungRemix

tinder #movenpick #BounceOnDesks #HKDJ #TWDJ

大约 9 年 前 372 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

聽日就係喇!你地準備好未呀? 身在台灣都不忘提提大家,聽日有新歌聽! Are you ready? It's out Tomorrow! < Nothing's Gonna Stop Me ( feat. Circle Guitar ) - HeartGrey & JFung >

我同Heartgrey同CircleGuitar首次合作 一齊炮製既第一首主打EDM單曲! 聽日!係聽日就有得聽喇! 記得上各大數碼音樂平台下載或收聽! 唔好忘記,早前邀請到MV神Jacky Lee團隊幫我地拍既MV亦會同步放映! 記得Subscribe定JFung Remix YouTube頻道!

It's my first collaboration with @heartgrey & @circleguitar producing this HKEDM Single! And it will be out tomorrow with MV directed by Jacky Lee on JFung Remix YouTube Channel, please subscribe for the latest update!

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大约 9 年 前 208 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

第一次以DJ身分飛去外地打碟! 而且係我另一個家:台北! 雖然唔係咩音樂節或者大台表演,但係都會係一個好好既體驗!

It's my first time to flying outside Hong Kong and work as a DJ, and it's Taipei, my another hometown. Although it's not something big like music festival main stage, but it must be a fantastic experience!

DJ #Producer #DJLife

Flying #Taipei #Taiwan

hkairlines #香港航空 #KarenJacky

JFung #JFungRemix

大约 9 年 前 431 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

出發去台北參加YouTube年終歡樂派對嚕! Heading to Taipei for YouTube Year End Party! Thanks Google & YouTube!

YouTube #youtuber #taipei #taiwan

youtubeyearendparty #google

hkairlines #香港航空 #KarenJacky

大约 9 年 前 345 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Waiting for the whole night for this moment! Catch the King of Future House @oliverheldens in Levels HK! Congratulations to Sigma Productions 4th Anniversary and thanks for the invitation! Sadly the flash light was too strong?

OliverHeldens #FutureHouse #TropicalHouse #SigmaProductions #DJRevolution #DJ #Producer #JFung #JFungRemix #Koala #Levelshk

大约 9 年 前 299 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Thanks @hkkenhui for the VIP access to AIA European Carnival tonight!

AIA #AIAEuropeanCarnival… https://t.co/b6UgaMIYuA

大约 9 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Thanks @kenhuihk for the VIP access to AIA European Carnival tonight! @tgecarnival

AIA #AIAEuropeanCarnival #VIP #Invitation #carnival #GalaPreview #central #友邦歐陸嘉年華

大约 9 年 前 292 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

仲有2日就出世喇!好緊張呀! < Nothing's Gonna Stop Me ( feat. Circle Guitar ) - HeartGrey & JFung >

我同HeartGrey同Circle一齊炮製既第一首EDM單曲! 仲有2日就有得聽喇! 到時記得上各大數碼音樂平台下載或收聽!

NothingsGonnaStopMe #NGSM

HeartGrey #JFung #JFungRemix

CircleGuitar #Featuring #Vocalist

2DaysLeft #EDM #HKEDM

DJ #Producer #HKDJ #HKDJs

ProgressiveHouse #PLUR

Countdown #18122015

大约 9 年 前 297 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

【 倒數3天 | 3 Days Left 】

< Nothing's Gonna Stop Me ( feat. Circle Guitar ) - HeartGrey & JFung… https://t.co/Nlkw0acAvM

大约 9 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

倒數3天 | 3 Days Left < Nothing's Gonna Stop Me ( feat. Circle Guitar ) - HeartGrey & JFung > 我同HeartGrey同Circle合作第一首主打EDM 仲有3日就有得聽喇! 到時記得上各大數碼音樂平台下載或收聽!

NothingsGonnaStopMe #NGSM

HeartGrey #JFung #JFungRemix

CircleGuitar #Featuring #Vocalist

3DaysLeft #EDM #HKEDM

DJ #Producer #HKDJ #HKDJs

ProgressiveHouse #PLUR

大约 9 年 前 320 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix


Hong Kong
November 8, 2008