衷心多謝每一位尋晚播《網絡挑機》即刻Cap圖(非CAD圖)俾我既朋友們! 我知道有好多都係平時唔會睇電視,為左支持我而特登開返電視睇。 無奈電視上睇唔到我既Remix,結果亦都要大家上網睇返我既作品,sosad!
TVB 節目《網絡挑機》作品-【 中港大戰-JFung Remix... https://t.co/G61VtOHMh7
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist https://t.co/G61VtOHMh7 【 中港大戰-JFung Remix 】《 網絡挑機 》作品
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/k1qlnagNM1 點播 dimbo Creators 齊聲:反對「網絡23條」繼續創作自由
《Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me (feat. Circle Guitar) - HeartGrey & JFung》 由本地最強Beatboxer HeartGrey及著名跨媒體創作人及DJ JFung聯手打造,包辦曲詞編錄監,加上人氣女聲Circle Guitar出色演繹,炮製出香港本地EDM界新力軍代表作!12月18日 強勢登陸各大音樂平台!
《Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me (feat. Circle Guitar) - HeartGrey & JFung》 Hong Kong Beatbox Championship, HeartGrey & Renowned cross-media Producer & DJ JFung collaborate and produced this debut single, from composing, lyrics, arrangements, recording & producing. Featuring local popular female vocal, Circle Guitar, we created a new blood representative track f...Read more Play video
DJing for Google Play Game Week Opening at Harbour City @ 5 Dec. Snapback Sponsor: @madworld_official
留意左 namkong 咁耐終於有機會合作喇! 多謝呢位時裝潮流界達人賞識! 敬請密切留意 chit_chak!
留意左 @namkong 咁耐終於有機會合作! 多謝呢位時裝潮流界達人賞識! 敬請密切留意 @chit_chak!
If you feel tired of the same environment, same people, same routine, day by day. Let's try something new and go some different places, you might have some new perspective and experience. @hmv_asia
10K!終於10K… https://t.co/pfSyoeWNWs
DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix