JFung Remix
DJ , Music Producer , Graphic Designer , Photographer
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10K!終於10K Followers! 雖然唔係咩大數字,但係感覺係去左另一個階段!我亦唔係咩明星名人,而家只係一個希望用音樂感染大家既製作人! 好感激每一位Follow左我既朋友,多謝您地每一個Like, Share, Comment!令我有動力去學習去分享去創作! 希望快D到50K,100K啦!哈哈!

It's 10K Followers finally! To me, it's a real milestone. I'm not a famous celebrity or artist, I'm just a music producer who wanna make people happy and enjoy! Thanks everybody for your Like, Share & Comment, which motivates me keep going on learning, sharing and producing! Hopefully I can get 50k, even 100k followers soon! Thank you everyone!

10k #10kFollowers #Mile...Read more

about 9 years ago 423 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I liked a @YouTube video from @leolongo_ https://t.co/JeNTmEhXdA Silhungmo - 失魂魚 (Official Music Video)

about 9 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【 JFung Sunday EDM | 周日電音推介 】 《 Flicker - Porter Robinson (Mat Zo Remix) 》 MV : http://youtu.be/cKYxgysMfA0

呢首"Flicker"絕對係Porter Robinson既代表作之一,貫徹佢一向動畫卡通電音風格,加埋Mat Zo Remix呢個版本,直頭將呢首歌提升到另一個境界!唔係鼓吹酗酒,但係飲到半醉聽呢首歌真係會更加投入,夠18歲既朋友可以試下,未夠18歲飲汽水好喇!哈哈!

如果大家想現場體驗下Porter Robinson既魅力,佢12月10日會係中環Bungalow演出,有興趣既朋友可以聯絡我架!

JFungSundayEDM #JFung #JFungRemix #PorterRobinson #MatZo #Remix #Anime #HouseMusic #YouTube #DJMag #Recommendation #DJ #Producer #ElectronicDanceMusic #EDM #周日電音推介<...Read more

about 9 years ago 291 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Happy to watch this funny movie with my girl, I was laughing out loud for real! ? @karenlyee

Snoopy #peanutsmovie #movie #premiere #film #KarenJacky #史諾比 #花生漫畫




about 9 years ago 399 likes  0 comment  0 shares

史諾比:花生漫畫大電影 Snoopy The Peanuts Movie 優先場! FatKing x 笑波子 x JFung x Ruby Close x Karenlyee Special thanks to @fatking

Snoopy #peanutsmovie #史諾比 #Fatking #笑波子 #JFung #JFungRemix #rubyclose #KarenJacky #YouTuber #movie #premiere #film

about 9 years ago 385 likes  0 comment  0 shares

JFung Remix x 胡杏兒 @ Google Play Game Week Winter Festival @ 海港城

myoliewu #胡杏兒 #harbourcity #海港城 #Google #GooglePlay #GameWeek #YouTuber #JFung #JFungRemix

about 9 years ago 419 likes  0 comment  0 shares

雙J出動:大J x JFung Remix Google Play Game Week @ 海港城

大J #JFung #JFungRemix #Google #GooglePlay #GameWeek #Gamer #YouTuber #harbourcity #海港城

about 9 years ago 406 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Nice DJ set by Frankie Lam hmv Flagship Store Grand Opening hmv_asia

hmv #hmvAsia #hmvolution… https://t.co/ZLZzsWtLLH

about 9 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Nice DJ set by Frankie Lam @HMV Flagship Store Grand Opening @hmv_asia

hmv #hmvAsia #hmvolution #hmvFlagship #hmvHongKong #flagship #music #dj #hkdj #FrankieLam #JFung #JFungRemix

about 9 years ago 293 likes  0 comment  0 shares


HMV Flagship Store grand opened at Pearl City, Causeway Bay. Embrace our whole new HMV leisure concept with a collection of "Music, Lifestyle and Dining'" experiences! Let's rock HMVolution!

Featuring: Headphone - @VModa DJ Mixer - @Pioneer #WinnerConceptHK

@hmv_Asia #hmvHongKong #hmvAsia #hmvFlagship #hmvolution #LivePlayEat #JFung #JFungRemix #DJ #Producer #HKDJ #music

 Play video
about 9 years ago 255 likes  0 comment  0 shares


DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 8, 2008
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