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Alfred Hsing
Actor , Stuntperson , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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10th WWC News – Alfred Hsing First USA Wushu Team Member to Bring Home a Gold Medal at the World Wushu Championships!

Original article from www.wushukicks.com

10th WWC Gold Medal - Alfred Hsing10th WWC Gold Medal - Alfred Hsing

Alfred Hsing, member of the US Wushu Team brings home the first US GOLD MEDAL at a World Wushu Championships. The US has not taken a gold in wushu taolu at this tournament since the 1st world wushu championships over 20 years ago.

Alfred Hsing placed first in the jianshu or straight sword event with a 9.72 edging above competing Asian countries – Japan and Indonesia who took second and third respectively.

Hong Kong national wushu team coach remarked to Alfred Hsing “It’s an amazing day. You have been etched into history, the wushu history books, as the first USA wushu athlete to win a gold at the World Wushu Championships and become a World Champion. Congratulations.”

The straight sword (1st) and spear (12th) events were on day 1 of the competition. Hsing also competed in Chang Quan or longfist (9th) and placed 9th out of 83 enrolled competitors. He is also the first US team member to beat China in the World Championships. China chang quan team member made some very slight mistakes which bumped his score down. Hsing completed perfect nandu and technical requirements for a final long fist score of 9.65.

Here are both his longfist and straight sword videos:

This year was a great year for the US wushu team. Other notable achievements were Colvin Wang who took 2nd in spear only losing to China’s Wu Di. Peter Dang placed top 8 in broadsword. Sarah Chang placed 8th in women’s longfist… and Stephanie Lim, Joanna Pei, and Max Ehrlich all took top 8 in one of their respective events! Congratulations to all!

10th WWC Alfred Hsing Takes First First Place for USA10th WWC Alfred Hsing Takes First First Place for USA



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over 14 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
over 14 years ago
Photo 31454
you didn't even throw up a westssside!!!! baby come on now, i thought you were a team player? das rite! ef LXL haha
over 14 years ago
Photo 30783
its funny.. i actually did throw up a westside.. its on video...
over 14 years ago
Richardon 7a richardon
kick ass my man
over 14 years ago


Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts

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May 26, 2007