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ANGELS TEA LAUNCHED! – www.angelstea.com


AngelsTea.com goes live August 18th, 2009. Our teas have arrived. Our chocolate truffles are in (and they are delicious with the tea I might add)!

Angels Tea has actively been in the works for the past 12 months from designing, to labeling, to finding the perfect blend of teas, to creating a site fit for our image, and to having our products ready to be tasted by everyone out there! It has been a fun process and many people are to thank for making their individual contributions to getting Angels Tea to where it is now.

I want to let you guys know that other flavors are in the works, but right now we have four unique flavors that each stand out very boldly: Exotic Orange Oolong, Sensual Berry Rooibos, Seductive Jasmine Green Tea, and Naughty Masala


To give you a little background and insight to how the concept for Angels Tea came to be, we jump 12 months back. I was sipping on some warm tea after a hard workout and felt so relaxed and soothed as I drank my fresh loose leaf tea. I thought about it for a second and realized – even though tea does seem to be gaining popularity in the states, the teas we drink are mainly sweetened, chilled, bottled beverages. A lot of these drinks are tasty and good, but there still seemed to be a perception that loose leaf teas where you sit down and boil water and steep teas was a thing for older people. At the very least, it’s not the first thing you think of when you imagine the “young” “cool” “wild” party vibe. I wanted to change this perception and create a movement to promote health and delicious loose leaf tea in a young fresh light.

Angels Tea comes in silk tea sachets, which is the highest quality material for tea bags, so that you can drop it in your water and enjoy a delicious healthy cup of tea. Our selection of teas taste wonderful without needing to add any sweeteners or additional ingredients. Typically the tea is served warm, but you can enjoy cold or warm!

…and that’s the story behind Angels Tea. It started out as an idea and came to life this August 2009. I know that we will be working out some kinks as we first launch and that we will go through various stages of new product development and growth so bear with us and thank you for your support.

We hope you will support Angels Tea’s movement of promoting health through proper diet and exercise by remembering “ It’s Sexy to be Healthy!

Angels Tea Berry RoobiosAngels Tea Berry Roobios

Angels Tea Chocolate TrufflesAngels Tea Chocolate Truffles



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Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts


Beijing, China
May 26, 2007