I am SO SAD!! I am leaving China in 2 days!!
I feel like Asia is where I should be.. at least for a few years. Definitely thinking about coming back to Beijing, Hong Kong, or Taiwan soon!
Anyways, I feel I've gotten a lot out of my time here. The first 2 weeks past soo fast and I was sick, cold, bitten by mosquitoes.. but the last 2 weeks felt really productive, fun, and packed with activities.. I guess it takes some time to overcome jet lag and build up momentum. This is why I need to stay longer.
Anyways, let me post up my obligatory "I am number 1" in China Wu Guan pose before I leave!
This was taken after my second to last practice. Wudi, Xu Ming Hu, and I did full straightsword forms.
And just to show Im not the only naked one.. here is WuDi during the end of practice..
For all his fans out there.. this will probably get him more love letter emails. Haha!
Alright.. gotta enjoy my last 2 days.
See u back in the states!
Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts