Official Artist
Alfred Hsing
Actor , Stuntperson , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Miss Taiwan Approves of Angels Tea!

Me and Miss Teen TaiwanMe and Miss Teen Taiwan

Here is a pic with the Miss Taiwan Teen winner. (Their event was before we got there so we got there in time to just snap a picture with the winner – Michelle) (Also, have a pic with Kelly who was Miss Taiwan USA reppin some Angels Tea)

Miss Taiwan Worlds 2009 Pageant

Saturday I went to a 2009 Miss Taiwan Pageant because my roommate had 2 tickets and 2 of his friends were in the pageant. It was close by in El Monte so I said hey I like places that are close by and Taiwanese models so why not. The pageant was cool and I’ve never been to one of these things so I got to see them go through different outfits, answer different world peace type questions, and then get crowned and such. It was a nice event except it was 3-4 hours long I think. I thought they just did one aisle strut each and then the judges voted, but it was a much longer process. In the middle there was a break sorta and Eliver and I went to get In n Out burgers FTW. I also liked hearing their speeches which were in half Chinese/Taiwanese and half English. Most of these girls were from UCs or other respectable colleges so it was good to see educated, talented, beautiful young ladies representing. Overall good event and congrats to all the winners!

Angles Tea

Made our first sale August 24th! Yay!! Thanks for the support everyone!

Then on Sunday.. I worked out and worked on the tea site all day and had another product photoshoot. I been workin harder now that I am jobless than when I had a full time job. haha, but I am LOVING my life more! I was up photoshopping until 5am.

Here is one of the pictures I shot/photoshopped. Notice the AngelsTea T-Shirt she is wearing. =)

Angels Tea Fitness ModelAngels Tea Fitness Model



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almost 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
dude ... how are u doing ??? im coming to the US soon :)
almost 15 years ago
Photo 37095
almost 15 years ago


Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts

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Location (City, Country)
Beijing, China
Member Since
May 26, 2007