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Alfred Hsing
Actor , Stuntperson , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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NAKED. DRUNKEN. DEMO. Plus How Bruce Lee is Involved

Performed drunken sword at the Long Beach Internationals on August 8th, 2009. Suzy of UCLA Wushu performed straight sword. It was supposed to be mainly a UCLA wushu demo, but some FORCES OF NATURE were literally OUT to prevent this demo from happening. Normally its super easy to get people to demo. This time everyone happened to be out of town, out of the country (stopher), running errands (dennis), parents in town (adam), CAR ACCIDENT (rickie), and more random occurences. In the end it was me and Susan. Then the demo coordinator had his line up of demos running late and he almost couldnt squeeze us in and Suzy had parked at a metered spot so she needed to leave to prevent being charged exorbitant rates so she was almost out of the picture. This was not meant to be, but in the end my beast mode willed through it and made the demo happen… which might explain why I went beast mode on my demo itself.

Dragon The Bruce Lee StoryDragon The Bruce Lee Story

Bruce Lee Similarities

So a few nights before, “Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story” was on TV and there was a scene where Bruce Lee was at the First Ed Parker Long Beach Martial Arts Tournament. He did a minute long demo where in the movie he challenged anyone in the building saying he could defeat them in under 60 seconds. Bruce’s wife Linda told him not to fight but then he still did. In the end, he won and was spotted by the director for the Green Hornet where Bruce was ultimately cast as Kato.

Coincidentally, I was going to a similar Long Beach Tournament. I was asked to demo. My form (drunken sword) is about a minute long. There were forces trying to prevent me from demoing. I was submitted and trying out for the role of Kato. My roommate and I joked that it was meant to be. (My “Alfred as Kato” article http://www.casualiscool.com/martial-arts/alfred-hsing-as-kato-in-the-green-hornet-plus-my-new-2009-demo-reel/) Unfortunately Jay Chou got cast as Kato. LOL! =(

http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=57816 – It hurts me!.. but good luck to Jay Chou!



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Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts

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Beijing, China
Member Since
May 26, 2007