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NINJA WARRIOR in America!!! – Epic Fail plus Pool Party Fun!

Ninja WarriorNinja Warrior

Saturday and Sunday were the auditions for Ninja Warrior. For those of you who dont know about the ninja warrior obstacles- The first stage auditions involved a 6 step hop, rope swing, balanced run, wall climbing, pipe slider, and an inverted wall.. plus it’s timed. 10 chosen ninjas will be flown to Tokyo to compete in the Ninja Warrior contest. Unfortunately, I will not be one of them. lol. I may however end up on the show for the epic fail section because I ate it and fell into the water. haha.. but its cool, I had a good time. I do want to re-tackle the course again someday because I feel like I should be able to beat it. I think I just thought too much and there were a few obstacles that I just havent trained for at all. In any case, I love bringing out my competitive side with challenges like this.

Also Saturday Tamiko hosted a pool party at her place. It was actually a much needed chill day. We watched a ton of martial arts movies (Curse of the Golden Flower, Ip Man, Shaolin Soccer) but just dont get me started on Curse of the Golden Flower.. I got to Tamikos place while they were in the middle of the movie, but I couldnt stop making ridiculous comments throughout the movie. Tamiko prepared a lot of delicious food (burgers, some brie thing was really good, chicken skewers, watermelons, peach cobbler, cheescake) and all the food was really good! A while later Matt B arrived and then we finally decided to go swimming. We hit up the pool and played ridiculous volleyball and badminton. We pretty much all sucked at everything, but it was fun. Cat, who is Sarah Chang’s friend and who I met for the first time dropped by as well. She took this picture for us. (I don’t know where the bleep Tamiko is in the picture because she was in that pool too.)

Pool PartyPool Party



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接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
why does matt look so angry?
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 30783
he always looks angry.. even tho he was having a blast.. haha! thats his "having the time of his life" face
接近 15 年 ago


Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts


Beijing, China
May 26, 2007