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Alfred Hsing
Actor , Stuntperson , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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No More J O B Celebration! – Plus New Beginnings

No more Job CelebrationNo more Job Celebration

Friday was my last day in the corporate world! Here on out its acting and being an entrepreneur – carving my own path – working for myself and towards my passions.

All my best buddies and pals came out to eat Manna Korean BBQ with me! It was super fun. I got SPRAYED with champagne like a mofo because some punks told the staff that it was my birthday when it totally wasn’t.

How’s everything else going?

Angels Tea - Site ( www.angelstea.com) has been pretty active. A lot has been going on and I have gotten really good feedback as far as flavor and design. One of my coworkers is interested in getting a few cases of Angels Tea to give as party favors for a bachelorette party so I am super excited. Also beginning a few talks with some restaurants in downtown LA.

Film - Signed up for some extra services recommended by Eliver and Tess.. so maybe next week I’ll start going out to get some work.

Wushu - Still having average practices. I did make it out to LA Wushu once last week and did 3 whole forms just to make sure I still got it. I was getting a little gassed out in my last section.. but as training starts ramping up I know endurance wont be a problem for me. It never has been. I just need to clean up a little of the choreography and then sharpen my moves and I will be set!

To be honest, I been a little “blah” this week because I had a few happy hours with co-workers since it was my last week and also I’ve just been waiting to quit so I haven’t been able to concentrate on other things.

Goals/To Do:

Hit up some wholesale/retail accounts to hold Angels Tea products

Train wushu twice a day

Handle personal and business taxes

Clean my house / find a cleaning lady

Take car in for maintenance

Redo WushuKicks website

Set up merchant accounts and merchant services

Real Estate – Continue property research and go visit broker

Work on creating own short film



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Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts

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Location (City, Country)
Beijing, China
Member Since
May 26, 2007