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On the Carpet I have No Worries – Wednesdays Update

Wushu CarpetWushu Carpet

It’s Thursday, 2 days before the competition, 1 day before drawing of lots. I am flying up north tonight. I am telling myself to focus on wushu, but if you know me by now I have a couple other things I have to do today. I figure I’m ready so there’s nothing else to think about. I’ll just do my best.

Anyways, here’s my Wed. recap:


Warm up, light basics, longfist and straight sword form back to back no stop, then spear form. At the end of practice did my full tai chi form as well. I didn’t practice tai chi sword due to time. I made 0 mistakes nandu-wise on all 4 forms! THAT ROCKS!!

I planned on doing 2 full forms only, but Coach Rickie made everyone competing do 3 so I didn’t complain. 2 or 3 .. same thing. Monday and Tuesday I basically barely worked out so Wed I HAD A TON OF ENERGY!!! I felt a surge of power and wanted to do massive 720 butterfly twists across the gymnastic spring board carpet.


Met up with pattern maker and explained the major revisions. Should be getting this back in 2 weeks. I like the guy and told him I have appreciated his work thus far because he has been relatively prompt and then he said ” REALLY?! Because I feel like I’ve been sorta slow and laggy”.. and that made me like his work ethic MORE! I guess since I work full time and have 2-3 other projects he feels pretty responsive. Maybe his other clients harrass him daily because that’s their sole task. For the record – I have 6 unofficial back orders for this product from the people I have shown the prototype to. Yay!


Label design is getting there, but now Im on revision 6. Hopefully by revision 8 It’ll be perfect.

Chocolate idea was unexpected, but the FIRST place I contacted seems to be EXTREMELY efficient and capabale so I like working with them already. They also make hand made chocolate for some very high end places. If things continue to work out smoothly I’m just going to continue and go ahead with them.. even though I was PLANNING on developing this later on. What the heck – might as well do it now since they can do basically everything I’m asking for. Waiting on some information in the mail from them now.


My 2 partners on this have been in New York and flying around saving lives I guess so we have tentatively planned to talk next week (which is good cuz im busy this wknd). I bought up the domain name for the drink yesterday.


Did some blog and online updates.

Suggested our facebook fan/profile pages to people I thought would be interested.

Random- In other news I re-installed ver 2.8 of wordpress and got the visual editor back! Woohoo! I dont know if this sounds nerdy. haha oh well.

To DoDrop off bracelet shipment

Train at SCWA


Go to local real estate board to drop off paper work

Get logo over to pattern maker

Send out revision 7 to tea labeler

Kick ass on Saturday and Sunday



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15 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
Photo 30783
lol... yeah, i know its a long read.. its more for myself to keep track of what ive been doing.. its really exciting for me to read. lol
15 年多 ago
Photo 30783
5 events! thanks fwei! theonly - i love wordpress
15 年多 ago


Alfred Hsing (邢思杰) Actor|Action Coordinator|Stunts


Beijing, China
May 26, 2007