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Congrats to first time mother Lisa S! |恭喜初為人母的Lisa S!|恭喜初为人母的Lisa S!

We have always viewed the AnD community like an extended family.  Over the years since we've started alive that family has grown as some of our artists and users have gone on to start families of their own.  This includes our cofounder Daniel Wu and his wife Lisa S,  who are expecting their first baby in a few more weeks.  (In case you missed the initial announcement,  here's Daniel's blog breaking the news last December).

Lisa recently did a video for Frisomum, talking about her experience as a first time mother.  Please check it out, its wonderful to see her enthusiasm for this new chapter in her life! 


You can check out all the videos and updates from Lisa on their website -


Best wishes for Lisa and Daniel and we hope to share more wonderful news like this about our extended AnD family for years to come!


Lisa S, 在幾個星期內將迎來他們的第一個孩子。 (如果你錯過了最初公佈,這裡的 Daniel去年12月的博客新聞)

Lisa 最近做了一個視頻,談論她的經驗,初為人母的為美素佳兒Frisomum。請查閱一下,其美妙看到了她的熱情,這在她的生活中新的篇章!




Best wishes for Lisa and Daniel 和我們祝愿,希望我們AnD大家庭的擴展和家人在未來幾年內分享更多的好消息!

|我们一直看AnD社区就像一个大家庭。多年来,因为我们的艺术家和一些用户已经开始有自己的家庭。这包括我们的创始人之一吴彦祖和他的妻子 Lisa S, 在几个星期内将迎来他们的第一个孩子。 (如果你错过了最初公佈,这裡的 Daniel去年12月的博客新闻)

Lisa 最近做了一个视频,谈论她的经验,初为人母的为美素佳儿Frisomum。请查阅一下,其美妙看到了她的热情,这在她的生活中新的篇章!

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQxNTM3MDk2.html



Best wishes for Lisa and Daniel 和我们祝愿,希望我们AnD大家庭的扩展和家人在未来几年内分享更多的好消息!

| We have always viewed the AnD community like an extended family.  Over the years since we've started alive that family has grown as some of our artists and users have gone on to start families of their own.  This includes our cofounder

Daniel Wu and his wife Lisa S,  who are expecting their first baby in a few more weeks.  (In case you missed the initial announcement,  here's Daniel's blog breaking the news last December).

Lisa recently did a video for Frisomum, talking about her experience as a first time mother.  Please check it out, its wonderful to see her enthusiasm for this new chapter in her life! 


You can check out all the videos and updates from Lisa on their website -


Best wishes for Lisa and Daniel and we hope to share more wonderful news like this about our extended AnD family for years to come!

over 11 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Admin bear cimg7673
Admin Bear says: "Thanks to Frisomum for the video and the support!" ;-)
over 11 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Actually pretty awesome to hear Lisa talk about her experiences. Motherhood is cool!
over 11 years ago
Photo 23537
Wonderful & Congratulations!!!
over 11 years ago
Photo 40600
Lisa and Daniel! Congratulations!
over 11 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Amazing news! Congrats to Lisa and Daniel!!
over 11 years ago
Admin bear cimg7673
Thanks everyone for their support and good wishes, we will be sure to share them with Daniel and Lisa!
over 11 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Laveren - about a month to go!
over 11 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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