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First Best Burrito...Now Best Pizza

After a heavy night of boozing in SF with my CAL buddies Steve Hsieh, Derek Hawkins, and Ian Tong, there's nothing like having some Zachary's Pizza back in Berkeley.  I asked them if they wanted to join me for some this amazing "stuffed pie," but everyone was either too hung over or busy that afternoon so I went to get some of it myself.  I've loved this stuff back during my college days, and there's no pizza that beat Zachary's deep dish pies straight outta the oven...

The restaurant is always packed, and it's got a great cozy family feel to it with pictures from the patrons hanging all over the walls... Of course, let's not forget all the awards this kick-ass restaurant has amassed over all the years!

Even though I almost polished off a small deep dish pizza all by myself, I'm ready for another one!  Thanks for the culinary culminations and all the memories, Zach's!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 80548
the dish looks great!
over 15 years ago
Photo 22991
Get them to open one in Singapore!!!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
classic, i haven't been in a few years. no time to go back lately! :-(
over 15 years ago
Photo 34128
Wow, thank you very much. Seems my Bay Area friends have been holding out. Kudos for nearly eating the whole thing. Back to the gym with you.
over 15 years ago
Photo 32914
dude, you just made me drool on this keyboard. zachary's rules! nice new website, btw..
over 15 years ago


Come see my website at: www.wulander.com Wow! I think I'm finally catchin on to this Internet

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