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Do You like breakdancing??|你喜歡 breakdancing 嗎??|你喜欢 breakdancing 吗??

hey guys and gals

You like breakdancing?

Come watch the top 4 local China Breakdance crews battle it out for top prize and the chance to battle against the World Champion Korean B-Boys, Project Soul (Phyzix and Jo-T of Rivers Crew, Bruce Lee of Gamblers, Nauty One of Floor Gangz and Rookie of Drifterz Crew). Local crews from across China will be participating in the 2 day B-Boy battle that culminates at Racks(shanghai) on Saturday, April 18th to determine the top crew and best individual B-boys in China! RMB100 gets you in the door and a complimentary drink.

for more info, please check out this link and rsvp. 


here is the address for RACKS Shanghai:

Racks M.D.B. Shanghai  地址: 5/Floor, Xintiandi South Block, 123 Xingye Road, Shanghai

                                                        |                       男孩女孩們,

你喜歡 breakdancing 嗎?

請前來欣賞中國最出色4支 Breakdance 隊伍的冠軍爭奪戰,看他們與來自韓國的 B-Boys 世界冠軍 Project Soul (來自 Rivers Crew 的 Phyzix 和 Jo-T、Gamblers 的 Bruce Lee、Floor Gangz 的 Nauty One 及 Drifterz Crew 的 Rookie) 之間的精彩對戰。來自中國各地的戰隊將參加為期兩天的 B-Boy 對戰,並在周六於上海的 Racks 酒吧將賽事燃燒到沸點,4月18日將決出冠軍隊伍及全國最佳個人 B-boys! 你只需以 RMB100 元購買門票(附贈一份免費飲料),即可現場觀戰。



這是 RACKS 酒吧(上海)的地址:

Racks M.D.B. 上海 




                                            |                       男孩女孩们,

你喜欢 breakdancing 吗?

请前来欣赏中国最出色4支 Breakdance 队伍的冠军争夺战,看他们与来自韩国的 B-Boys 世界冠军 Project Soul (来自 Rivers Crew 的 Phyzix 和 Jo-T、Gamblers 的 Bruce Lee、Floor Gangz 的 Nauty One 及 Drifterz Crew 的 Rookie)之间的精彩对战。来自中国各地的战队将参加为期两天的 B-Boy 对战,并在周六于上海的 Racks 酒吧将赛事燃烧到沸点,4月18日将决出冠军队伍及全国最佳个人 B-boys! 你只需以 RMB100 元购买门票(附赠一份免费饮料),即可现场观战。



这是 RACKS 酒吧(上海)的地址:

Racks M.D.B. 上海 




                                            |                       hey guys and gals

You like breakdancing?

Come watch the top 4 local China Breakdance crews battle it out for top prize and the chance to battle against the World Champion Korean B-Boys, Project Soul (Phyzix and Jo-T of Rivers Crew, Bruce Lee of Gamblers, Nauty One of Floor Gangz and Rookie of Drifterz Crew). Local crews from across China will be participating in the 2 day B-Boy battle that culminates at Racks(shanghai) on Saturday, April 18th to determine the top crew and best individual B-boys in China! RMB100 gets you in the door and a complimentary drink.

for more info, please check out this link and rsvp. 


here is the address for RACKS Shanghai:

Racks M.D.B. Shanghai  地址: 5/Floor, Xintiandi South Block, 123 Xingye Road, Shanghai

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wish i could check that out!
接近 16 年 ago
cool ... i hoe i can be there !!!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 37281
thanks for the support Andrew! should be an incredible performance and party!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 49112
it was very incredible!!!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 41406
Oohh It's cool I just realized you have one of my design on your blog haha (and it's a little late but thanks for the support I worked for that event too ;))
接近 16 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007