演员, 3D/ CAD建模或动画, 画家
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getting ready... | 做準備…

It has been awhile since I blog last time,  I couldn't say I'm very busy, just nothing really interesting to share with you all.  You know me,  I am a pretty boring guy. beside work is work.  When I am a home, just doing the basic home errands.  I've been doing alots of Sculpting, but can not show my work out to the public yet.. Because those sculptures are commission work from a toy company,  It is my job to keep it confidential until the product comes out!!

Once a week, I will meet up with AnD crew to play poker, its the guys poker night, as some of you might know already from reading other members blog.  I've won a few times, but no luck lately.  I've might need to change my strategy a bit.  WATCH OUT U GUYS!!!   Becoming Loose/Aggressive!!

I am getting ready to go to Shandong at the end of the month. A period TV series (1930's) for about two months.  The character is quite challenging.  As a Teacher, I have to teach History, Poems, chinese literature etc.  Alots of dialogue to be memorized.  That is what I've been doing at home,  preparing for the character.  yap!!! Wish me luck!!

Although I will still be at the Hawaii film festival.  So those of you who wants to go and meet us there,  go and get more people to sign on Alivenotdead.com!!!  Go...Go...Go....... Dates are counting down.

Here are a few pics from the location where I will be filming. Beautiful but under develope.|  很長時間沒寫blog了,我沒那麼忙,只是沒什麼有趣的事情跟你們分享。你們知道的,我是很無趣的人,除了工作還是工作。在家也只是做在家的差使。我完成了許多雕塑,但還不能把作品公之於眾。這些雕塑是一家玩具公司定做的,我的工作職責是必須在產品上市之前保密!!





  |  很长时间没写blog了,我没那么忙,只是没什么有趣的事情跟你们分享。你们知道的,我是很无趣的人,除了工作还是工作。在家也只是做在家的差使。我完成了许多雕塑,但还不能把作品公之于众。这些雕塑是一家玩具公司定做的,我的工作职责是必须在产品上市之前保密!!





17 年多 前 0 赞s  50 评论s  0 shares
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Good luck filming man and thanks for the painting tips!
17 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, it looks pretty cool. we'll have to do an official AnD trip to visit you.
17 年多 ago
HI ANdrew, Thanks for my blog! Wouldn't have joined if not for you! SO happy now. Why didn't you come to Singapore?
17 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
beautiful location! good luck
17 年多 ago
Photo 33405
I like the circle doorway of that old building. Good luck with your project!
17 年多 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007