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Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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Good Actor vs. Great Actor | 好演員 vs. 偉大的演員|好演员 vs. 伟大的演员

       Today, I feel like to blog about acting, well..  Actor to be more specific.   I have been working as an actor since 1996.  I have work with different types of actors through out Asia, China, Taiwan, Hong kong, Singapore,etc.  I've met and work with all grades of Actors, and I will categorized them in 3 different levels.  They are:  1.Actor  2. Good Actor.  3. Great Actor.

1. Actor.   This is the basic level.  I truly think everyone in this world are born to be an actor, Yes, I mean everyone.  You might think you are not an actor, because you know you can not act.  You don't have any formal trainings. But  "NO"!!!  You all "CAN" act.   For example.  Do you talk to your baby nephew the same way you would talk to your Boss??  A change of tone, and  the choice of words, your body gestures are all control by you. You are the master of your own body, they do what ever the brains tell them to do.  If you notice a difference between talking to a kid and a respectful elderly.  Then.. You Can Act. 

     Most people are shy from the camera.  When they notice a camera filming them. They will freeze up and act unaturally.  Or maybe you are on a stage giving a speech. and there are 200 hundred people staring at you.  And you feel uncomfortable because people are watching your every move.  These are the problems with most people.  And that is the reason you might think you can not act.  But been Shy and Acting are two different things.  Everyone can conquer shyness eventually.

2.  Good Actor .   From my perspective.  I would say 70% of  Professional Actors around the world falls in this catergory.  What is a Good Actor??  A good actor is one that can generate true emotions on call, when ever the scrīpt or the director wants a scene done with certain emotion, and that good actor can express them truefully and believable.  A good actor also knows how to analyize a scrīpt, their character and create a believable role in front of the camera.

  1. Great Actor .  The difference between a good actor from GREAT actor Is the "great actor" knows how to add character and charisma into their role. That makes them stand out from the pack.  They even have the power to make a so..so... role  into a Good role.   Turn a bad scrīpt into a decent scrīpt just from their acting.  I'd bet everyone must have seen a bad movie but the actor in it still shines.  Right? Those Actors are consider Great Actors.

So here is my breakdown of all the Working professional actors in Hong Kong

Actor:  20%

Good Actor: 70%

Great Actor: 10%

Unfortunately, We have more Actors working in Hong Kong then Great Actors.

I know some of you might ask me, which category do I think I am in??

Well,  I think I am in the Good Actor category, making my ways to the Great actor category.

Hope some of you reading this can learn a little something about actors 






演員:20% 好演員:70% 偉大的演員:10%

不幸的是,香港的”演員”比”偉大的演員”要多 我知道你們中可能有人會問,你覺得自己該歸入哪類?? 恩,我認為自己屬於好演員,正往”偉大的演員”方向努力。 希望讀了這篇後,你們能對演員有更多了解 | 今天我想谈一下演技,恩…更精确的说是演员。从1996年开始当演员,我跟亚洲、中国大陆、台湾、香港、新加坡等地各种各样的演员合作过,碰到并跟各级别的演员一起工作,想把他们划为3个级别,分别是:1.演员;2.好演员;3.伟大的演员。

1.演员。这是基础级别。我真认为世界上每个人都是天生的演员,没错,我说的是每个人。你可能认为自己并不是演员,因为你知道自己不会演戏,也没接受过任何专业训练。但是,”不”!!! 你们都”能”演。举例来说,你会用跟小侄子同样的讲话方式跟老板说话吗?? 转换了语气,用词迥异,你的身体语言都由自己掌控。你是自己身体的主人,身体听脑袋的指令行事。如果你留意到跟小孩与可敬的老人说话会有区别,那么…你能演戏。


  1. 好演员。从我的观点看,世界上70%的专业演员都应列入此类。什么是好演员? 一个好演员是一旦剧本或导演在一幕戏中需要哪种特定情绪,都能产生真实的感情,并可信地将之表现出来。好演员也懂得分析剧本、角色,在镜头前塑造出令人信服的角色。

  2. 伟大的演员。好演员和伟大演员的区别是”伟大的演员”懂得如何为角色添彩,并注入强烈的感召力,这让他们鹤立鸡群。他们甚至有能力把普通角色演成好角色,他们的表演能把坏剧本转变成好剧本。我打赌大家都见识过烂片中的伟大演员照样光芒四射,是不是? 这些演员被认为是伟大的演员。


演员: 20% 好演员: 70% 伟大的演员: 10%

不幸的是,香港的”演员”比”伟大的演员”要多 我知道你们中可能有人会问,你觉得自己该归入哪类??




今日は演技について書きたい気分だな。う~ん…言うなれば俳優についてだね。僕は1996年から俳優として仕事をしている。僕はこれまでアジアにおいて中 国や台湾、香港、シンガポール等でいろんなタイプの俳優達と共演してきたんだよ。僕はこれまでにあらゆるレベルの俳優達に出会って共演したことがあるけ ど、今回彼らを「1:俳優、2:良い俳優、3:優れた俳優」っていう3つのレベルに分類してみたんだ。

1.俳優。これは基本的なレベルだね。僕は地球上の人間は全て生まれつきの俳優(女優)だってほんとに思ってるんだよ。そう、誰もがだよ。君は、自分は演 技ができないから俳優じゃないと思うかもしれない。何も正式な訓練を受けていないだろうしね。でもそうじゃない!!君達は皆演じることができるんだよ。例 えば、君は小さな甥っ子と話すような口調で上司と話したりする?口調を変えるのも、言葉を選ぶのも、身ぶりも全て君自身がコントロールしてるんだよ。君は 君の体の所有者であって、各部位は脳が命令したことをするんだ。もし君が子供と話す時と敬意を払うべき目上の人と話す時の違いをわかってるなら、それ は…。君は演技ができるってことなんだ。

大抵の人は撮影されることを恥ずかしがる。カメラで撮られるって気付いたら、その人は完全にあがって動きが不自然になるだろうね。もしくは、君がステージ で演説していて、200人の人達が君を見つめているとしよう。彼らが君の一挙手一投足に注目しているから、君は落ち着かないよね。これはほとんどの人達に 当てはまる問題なんだよ。そして、これが君が演技ができないかもしれないと思っている原因なんだ。でも恥ずかしいのと演技をするのとは全くの別物。皆、い ずれは恥ずかしさを克服することができるんだよ。

2.良い俳優。 個人的な見解では、世界中のプロの俳優の70%がこのカテゴリーに当てはまるってことになるかな。良い俳優って何だろう??良い俳優って いうのは、どんな場合でも脚本上、もしくはある感情の込もった演技を必要とするシーンを監督が望んでいる時にそれを本当の感情として生み出すことができ て、忠実かつ真に迫った表現ができることなんだ。それに、良い俳優は脚本分析の仕方、そして演じる役の性格やカメラに映る際のリアリティーのある役作りの 仕方も心得ているものなんだよ。

3.優れた俳優。 優れた俳優と良い俳優との違いは、「優れた俳優」は彼らが演じる役に対して個性やカリスマ性をどうプラスすればいいかを心得ているって こと。それが彼らをより際立たせているんだ。しかも彼らには演技によって普通の役でもいい役にしてしまうほどの能力があるんだよ。お粗末な脚本も彼らの演 技にかかればちゃんとしたものに変わってしまうんだ。きっと皆はこれまでにひどい映画を観たことがあると思うけど、そんな中でもその俳優は輝いてる。そう だよね?そういう俳優達が優れた俳優だと考えられる。


俳優: 20%

良い俳優: 70%

優れた俳優: 10%

残念ながら、香港には「優れた俳優」よりも「俳優」の方がより多いってことだね。 君達の中には、僕が自分でどのカテゴリーに属すると思うかを尋ねる人がいるかもしれないな。 そうだな、僕自身は今「良い俳優」に属してて、「優れた俳優」に属するべく努力してるところだと思うよ。

これを読むことで、俳優について何か少しでも学ぶことができる人が君達の中にいるといいな。 |
       Today, I feel like to blog about acting, well..  Actor to be more specific.   I have been working as an actor since 1996.  I have work with different types of actors through out Asia, China, Taiwan, Hong kong, Singapore,etc.  I've met and work with all grades of Actors, and I will categorized them in 3 different levels.  They are:  1.Actor  2. Good Actor.  3. Great Actor.

1. Actor.   This is the basic level.  I truly think everyone in this world are born to be an actor, Yes, I mean everyone.  You might think you are not an actor, because you know you can not act.  You don't have any formal trainings. But  "NO"!!!  You all "CAN" act.   For example.  Do you talk to your baby nephew the same way you would talk to your Boss??  A change of tone, and  the choice of words, your body gestures are all control by you. You are the master of your own body, they do what ever the brains tell them to do.  If you notice a difference between talking to a kid and a respectful elderly.  Then.. You Can Act. 

     Most people are shy from the camera.  When they notice a camera filming them. They will freeze up and act unaturally.  Or maybe you are on a stage giving a speech. and there are 200 hundred people staring at you.  And you feel uncomfortable because people are watching your every move.  These are the problems with most people.  And that is the reason you might think you can not act.  But been Shy and Acting are two different things.  Everyone can conquer shyness eventually.

2.  Good Actor .   From my perspective.  I would say 70% of  Professional Actors around the world falls in this catergory.  What is a Good Actor??  A good actor is one that can generate true emotions on call, when ever the scrīpt or the director wants a scene done with certain emotion, and that good actor can express them truefully and believable.  A good actor also knows how to analyize a scrīpt, their character and create a believable role in front of the camera.

  1. Great Actor .  The difference between a good actor from GREAT actor Is the "great actor" knows how to add character and charisma into their role. That makes them stand out from the pack.  They even have the power to make a so..so... role  into a Good role.   Turn a bad scrīpt into a decent scrīpt just from their acting.  I'd bet everyone must have seen a bad movie but the actor in it still shines.  Right? Those Actors are consider Great Actors.

So here is my breakdown of all the Working professional actors in Hong Kong

Actor:  20%

Good Actor: 70%

Great Actor: 10%

Unfortunately, We have more Actors working in Hong Kong then Great Actors.

I know some of you might ask me, which category do I think I am in??

Well,  I think I am in the Good Actor category, making my ways to the Great actor category.

Hope some of you reading this can learn a little something about actors 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  38 comments  0 shares
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
you are a great actor, everytime we meet, you pretend like you are happy to see me.
over 16 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Okay, lets see the category and description of bad actors now. hee hee.
over 16 years ago
Photo 33427
Mate good post, it's the same with singers, DJs and artists and anyone creative ... anyone can do the entry level stuff ... but taking the art-form and making it your own takes real ability. People with talent can do this without too much work, but anyone with a desire to improve can become pretty amazing. The trick is to know when you are good but not let that affect your output :)
over 16 years ago
Simonbirch 4e simonbirch
yeh, i think this applies to the art world too. we're all artists but there are definitely only a few great ones out there. as for acting i'm sure you're in the category that's above great actors, 'supremely awesome killer actors from heaven....' sb
over 16 years ago
Photo 23198
Well said. Great meeting you NYE. Be Well, H
over 16 years ago
Photo 50475
Well, I supposed your theory applies to every business or art. Is like a lot of thing, in the beginning it is very easy to learn the craft and skill, in my case as a photographer. But after 20 years, I think I become a good photographer. Then to be "GREAT", is a very hard thing to achieve - or may never achieved. Some people are just born natural like Michael Schumacher in F1 racing for example (and also he was in the right situations / peoples + timing to achieve the MAGICAL GREATNESS!!! - as we say in Chinese / Cantonese "Tin See, Day Lay and Yan Wo" - roughly translated Timing of the Sky, Geographic Advantage and Mix of Right People. "GREAT ACTORS" need great script, directors, producers, cinematographers, crews and audiences + many combinations - WELL, really a good team and material in order to project the whole "GREATNESS".
over 16 years ago
Don't be modest dog! You are better than good!
over 16 years ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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March 23, 2007