Remember my blog last year about the Johnnie Walker commercial I did with conroy in Shanghai??
Well, it is out all over in Asia. I saw it in Taiwan last week and this week in Hong Kong. They are airing them like crazy. Basically every time minutes you see it. People in taiwan actually walk up to me and said "Keep Walking". Let see if they will do that in Hong Kong.
|還記得我去年寫的在上海與子聰拍攝Johnnie Walker廣告的那篇博客嗎??
這支廣告現正在全亞洲熱播。上周我在臺灣看到,這周在香港也看到了。廣告商四處投放,時時處處你都能看到它。我在臺灣時,人們會走上前來對我說”Keep Walking”,香港人是否也會這樣呢。|
还记得我去年写的在上海与子聪拍摄Johnnie Walker广告的那篇博客吗??
这支广告现正在全亚洲热播。上周我在台湾看到,这周在香港也看到了。广告商四处投放,时时处处你都能看到它。我在台湾时,人们会走上前来对我说”Keep Walking”
、基本的に頻繁に目にすると思う。実際、台湾の人達が僕に「Keep Walking」って言いに来たくらいだからね。香港でもそんなことする人がいる
It has a storyline that was cut into five episodes. And they are showing them one at a time. Although we shot them all at once. I think it was shot beautifully, and our director David did a super job on it. Eddie chung from 24herbs did our music, he was awesome!! Also the great vocal by our buddy Adrian from Audio traffic. If you don't live in asia, you can go on-line to see the commercial on their website. Here is the link below.
Here are more behind the scene photos and some photos are from the last few episodes that hasn't been release yet.
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.