A new shopping street in Nanjing!! check out those New ideas for store names. someone should do something about this.
a normal looking street right?
Where is the S on watsons?
Adding another arch and McDnoald's.... Wow, how do you pronouce that?
T-11 huh? Own by Mr. T?
I guess you would get a buzz..... from eating their ice creams.
A pizza store who are not too sure what they are selling. Pizza huh?
starbucks to bucksstar!!
Is there a famous athelet name Li-Ming? maybe I'd missed the last Olympics.
這是南京的一條最新商業街!! 看看這些店鋪名稱多"山寨",該有人管管了。
watsons 的 S 在哪兒?
給麥當勞加了個拱門.... 該怎麽念呢?
T-11? 是 Mr. T 開的嗎?
我想你可能會很"buzz 激動"..... 在吃他們的冰淇淋時。
starbucks 變成 bucksstar!!
著名運動品牌 Li-Ming? 看來我錯過了最近的奧運會。
这是南京的一条最新商业街!! 看看这些店铺名称多"山寨",该有人管管了。
watsons 的 S 在哪儿?
给麦当劳加了个拱门.... 该怎么念呢?
T-11? 是 Mr. T 开的吗?
我想你可能会很"buzz 激动"..... 在吃他们的冰淇淋时。
starbucks 变成 bucksstar!!
著名运动品牌 Li-Ming? 看来我错过了最近的奥运会。
A new shopping street in Nanjing!! check out those New ideas for store names. someone should do something about this.
a normal looking street right?
Where is the S on watsons?
Adding another arch and McDnoald's.... Wow, how do you pronouce that?
T-11 huh? Own by Mr. T?
I guess you would get a buzz..... from eating their ice creams.
A pizza store who are not too sure what they are selling. Pizza huh?
starbucks to bucksstar!!
Is there a famous athelet name Li-Ming? maybe I'd missed the last Olympics.
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.