陈奈锦 (CHAN Nai Jing)
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@simonahac @lenoretaylor Great Climate Advocacy, so here’s some Real McKinsey-bolstered Follow-through Action - via… https://t.co/5COxnT8V5f

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I just published #MetaLoop on Medium - our #Asynsis Transformative City-Optimising Solution to Multiple Wicked Prob… https://t.co/azXsHqRLJ7

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GeoEngineering - Crazy Brave Ideas to Save World from Global Warming: we'd merge #SkyShades with #Asynsis… https://t.co/8vJ8fumSro

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Government claims that #TollRoads cut #Congestion & were crucial to #Sydney's future are dismissed as rhetorical "R… https://t.co/QwX44O9AM0

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Concrete is tipping us into #ClimateCatastrophe. It's Payback Time: via Revenue-Neutral #CarbonTaxes & our Zero-Co… https://t.co/HZGyQCdYq0

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@NickODogg @GqrMcr @Lendleaseuk @LendleaseGroup Glaswool, Mineral Fibre and Solid Aluminium Compisite Panels are th… https://t.co/QnxzQCm5Ic

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@TransurbanGroup - we’d like to run #MetaLoop by you, just ask your Sustainability Team and we’ll present in person… https://t.co/oTCQcK68ih

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@OliverYates #InsectaGeddon & CO2 required capture by #Reforestation means we need to do the opposite via… https://t.co/m6Tv4sIzI3

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Jeremy Corbyn: we’ll back a second Referendum to stop Tory no-deal #Brexit. Finally! https://t.co/kKzN0OWCr2

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“What we don’t need is this current putrid (#Climate) policy from the Australian Government. They have shown they c… https://t.co/XdekpRocsL

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Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability advocate, TED.com speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow


Hong Kong