陈奈锦 (CHAN Nai Jing)
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I'm going to Sydney Build, Mar 14 - 15, Hordern Pavillion. Join me for free! https://t.co/L7Lj81VbcJ #SydneyBuildExpo

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GreenNewDeal Priorities? Start with our #GreenIsGold #DaoOfDesign!

PassiveHaus Standards for all our Buildings &… https://t.co/0SpKebuXrK

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"Finally, Fusion Power Is About to Become a Reality" - Brian Bergstein https://t.co/cDir3jzal5 https://t.co/d66A2W5Ymp

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How Space-Time Could Be a Quantum Error-Correcting Code with #Asynsis Entanglement geometries.… https://t.co/JB7IDCVc1h

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Bravo Germany! Time for Australia to follow the Prevailing Renewables Wind too! #MetaLoop https://t.co/OEwLDxSnB9

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At #Multiverse Impasse, a New Theory of #Scale and Self-organised #Crticality and Computational Complexity… https://t.co/4waagddW5b

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The Biggest Myth About #BlackHoles by @StartsWithABang https://t.co/vocEZeQZER

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Ancient #Turing Pattern Builds Feathers, Hair — and Now, Shark Skin. #FormFollowsFlow https://t.co/xS0DZJolza via @QuantaMagazine

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@richardbranson Amen. Exactly what #MetaLoop will do for all our global cites, to make our lives easier with better… https://t.co/6tnkfm0oHm

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@PhilipThalis And the TEDx-answer we’ve shared with UTS-ISF & NSW DoT Innovation Team is #MetaLoop -Why? It’s Physi… https://t.co/g3PdlFJBsQ

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Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability advocate, TED.com speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow


Hong Kong