陈奈锦 (CHAN Nai Jing)
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Australian Labor leader Bill Shorten on (actually having) a Climate Energy policy: “He would be the grown-up becaus… https://t.co/XyG02aDoRk

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Low-cost 'four-hour' #Bamboo house wins top #RICS prize #MoreForLess https://t.co/lY4m8qyR69

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Has one of Math's greatest Mysteries, the #RiemannHypothesis, finally been solved by Sir #MichaelAtiyah, who I conf… https://t.co/p7YWppCAlB

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Congratulations #NicGrimshaw on your #RIBAGoldMedal, it was an honour to work on both your Paddington Station and E… https://t.co/EJ95UhHubE

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Green is Gold! ‘Green’ investment is all about higher returns, surveys find. #GreenBonds #MetaLoop #HKEcoLivable… https://t.co/aVsGeBEy78

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My answer to How is the golden ratio related to fractals? https://t.co/bUXsk4i4hv

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"Dear fellow Perverts and Degenerates", he wrote once; "please keep up the Bad Work!" #Venturi #LessIsABore… https://t.co/iAoLrQjiUY

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EverythingIKnow - the #Bucky Time Capsule. Why the high-tech ideas of #RBuckminsterFuller are back in Vogue.… https://t.co/qCNMX2G0RL

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Vale the great #RobertVenturi who was an early supporter of my #Asynsis Principle design research, via my National… https://t.co/iGn666t7m9

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Beauty (still) abides & awaits: Simplicity, Naturalness, and Elegance.

All are aspects of the #AsynsisConstructal… https://t.co/PpikOg6Xa1

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Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability advocate, TED.com speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow


Hong Kong