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2nd Term Lemonade complete

Successfully made it through another 10 days on the lemonade! It was a lot easier this time as I knew what to expect. Totally I lost 15 lbs. this time. Still not in the shape that I want to be in, but I have to remember that this is a detox diet and not a weight loss diet. So I still have to keep working hard on my exercise goals.

On other news, April 15th is coming up soon. I am really looking forwarding to guest appearing in the concert held by my big brothers.

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 40232
The lemonade diet can be found online, but I recommend finding the book that the founder of the diet wrote. It is not easy to go without food for 10 days. Although the diet does give you all the basic nutrition that you need, but old eating habits are hard to break. However, the health benefits are definitely worth the pain.
接近 17 年 ago


Brian Burrell was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, first came to Hong Kong in 1995 to teach English, and permanently left the US for Hong Kong in 1999. In 2000


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
October 6, 2007