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Lemonade Day 3

Ok the first 3 easy days are over. It's is supposed to get painful after today. We'll see!

I finished off my last pack of smokes today, and will be too busy for the next coming week to be bored and want to smoke. Also, I managed to go swimming for a solid hour. Very good exercise! But by the time I got home I was very low on power, especially coming back from Kennedy Town leaving my keys in the house to go buy lemons, then going back to Sheung Wan and back home again.

Now is the morning of the 4th day and so far I am not feeling any of the pain. I do remember reading that the pain comes from your body cleaning itself out. So either the Tea I bought is working well and keeping things moving through my bowels, or I really didn't have that much crap to remove. The next day or two will yet show otherwise.

Although I don't feel hungry, it is amazing how much every scrap of food I see seems to look more delicious than before. Hopefully I can enjoy eating again, especially if I do a better job at quitting smoking.

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Brian Burrell was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, first came to Hong Kong in 1995 to teach English, and permanently left the US for Hong Kong in 1999. In 2000


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
October 6, 2007