Official Artist
candy lo
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life is....|生命是...|生命是...

sometimes, ...

life is hard, life is too short, life is more than we think, life can be less than what we estimte, life is wonderful, life is powerful; life is painful, life is fragile...

i cherish my life as a sparkling diamond in my heart, always shimmering!

these days, i get thru the dealth of relatives, serious problems from my friends. and i know its hard to give them my real helping hands. i just give them my true supports and i pray for them too!

we dunno what will happen tomolo, we just know the feelings now. so get the feeling and enjoy it no matter its bitter or sweet!


om | 有時候...生活是艱難,生命是很短暫,生命是比我們想得多,生命可以比我們預算的少,生命是燦爛,生命是強大;生命是痛苦,生命是脆弱...我珍惜我的生命,它像我心中的一顆閃耀鑽石,總在閃閃發光!這些日子,我經歷了親人的死亡,朋友遭遇嚴重的問題。我知道要給他們真正的幫助很難,我只能支持他們,為他們祈禱!我們不知道明天會發生什麼,我們只知道現在的感覺。所以享受現在感受的苦與樂吧!:)

om| 有时候... 生活是艰难,生命是很短暂,生命是比我们想得多,生命可以比我们预算的少,生命是灿烂,生命是强大;生命是痛苦,生命是脆弱...






about 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares
Photo 214991
That's Life!!! Everything is about opposites!!! Without the negative there is no positive, without sadness we don't know real happiness...and so on...... If you have time, check out my philosophy ;) see what you think?
about 16 years ago
Life - Never stop trying and always play guitar as often as you can!
about 16 years ago
Img 6964
how do u enjoy bitterness? be happy or be sad in order to enjoy it?
about 16 years ago
Photo 327437
merry x'mas! candy ^^
about 16 years ago
Photo 230264
merry christmas everyone here m :)
almost 16 years ago
Photo 35360
Hi Candy, nice to c u here. Happy New year. Cheers
almost 16 years ago


**to love but not to hate*shanti shanti**

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September 17, 2008