The purest of heart, the best of music, I have been waiting for Modem Children for soooo long! This one is for our Jimmy.
Love, Chet
We made it again! HKD333400 / 111% funded, good numbers, angels all around. Thank YOU!
沒有多想只向前行 就算青春難復再 共你踩踩踩終於踩出了路來 繼續去踩踩踩踩踩出個未來 - 陳忠漢與趙美鳳
《Made in Hong Kong》精裝版將會有兩個《陳忠漢與趙美鳳》錄音室版本,新歌《Soak Up the Moo》,經典重新演繹《詠梅》
I have been thinking, what songs could speak for us these days? I do not have answer to that, can only look inside me and find answers that might bring some comfort. I hope that works for you too.
Let's revisit all the heartfelt songs again (雪糕車/忘了被擁抱的感覺/The Best is Yet to Come/給最開心的人/鏡子說...) during that precious hour, when I could see eac...Read more
Chet Lam x HKCO - Requiem for Flowers 林一峰 x 香港中樂團 - 萬花同
我的曲詞,伍卓賢的編曲,周熙杰先生指揮,實動男和唱。《Made in Hong Kong》募資最後5天,我們可以放心繼續開工,請大家盡情預購,Cheers!
100% funded! Thanks my friends! Still 6 more days to go, can we make it 200%? I will give 200% effort in making the music, as I have been doing all the time ??
97% funded! We are almost there my friends!!
各位選擇了「你的名字出現在專輯裏」的朋友,我知道500元是一個不少的數目,為了表示我的謝意,我誠意邀請贊助了這個回禮的朋友,來一個Meet & Greet形式的小型音樂聚會 - 一小時的一人一結他,是我送給大家的小小心意,就在7月23日《One Night Stand》開場之前的兩個小時,即是5:30pm,只有我跟你們,exclusive show,好嗎?最重要是我可以親自看看你們的臉孔,向你們道謝。
地點跟《One Night Stand》Live gig一樣,為灣仔合和中心6樓全新場地1563,贊助了「你的名字出現在專輯裏」的朋友,只需要到場說出名字、電話號碼和贊助號碼核對身份就行了。