Stay in small boutique hotels when you have a chance; Explore the roads less travelled whenever you can; Just relax and let ideas come find you. Chilling at Knai Bang Chatt in Kep... Keep brewing ideas ?
Stay in small boutique hotels wherever you go; Explore the roads less travelled whenever you can; Just relax and let ideas come find you.
Stormy weather in Cambodia. Brewing new ideas.
是時候剪輯一下so far有的新作品給大家聽聽,尤其是《soak up the moon》及《詠梅》。尚有四個禮拜募資時間,我相信《Made in Hong Kong》live album plus會是音樂上的新氣象✍?
《Made in Hong Kong》募資已達2/3!需要預售多400套就可達標?
《Made in Hong Kong》募資已達2/3!需要預售多400套就可達標?
Tuktukking in Phnom Penh
Q: 喂你喺邊 A: 金邊
Ok I have been waiting for so many years to say that ?? #林一峰 #chetlam #phnompenh #cambodia #travel
情報:441 orders! ?? thanks guys!
Montblanc 110個香港先鋒故事現正募集中,立即分享你的筆寫先鋒故事: 5位優勝者會獲得 Montblanc為慶祝 110周年而推出的Rouge & Noir系列