耀輝比我更懂得我自己,他寫給我的《你讓我飛》,以及寫給我跟二汶的《三》,都讓我折服? salute!
Good morning world! While most of you were sleeping in Asia, I made it to the tallest ski point in North America, 4000 metres!Well, getting to that point only took a chairlift, what came after was more of a little achievement: I rode down to the bottom, survived it, and finally able to enjoy it. Thanks for reading my bragging blah blah blah... Now it's time it work on the funding for another height of my music, click and see ;) https://musicbee.cc/project/madeinhongkong
100,000HKD funded for
實體唱片內,每一張照片都有意思,每一篇文章、歌詞與排版都會作細心安排,我希望每個作品都值得留在世上,那就對得起每一分資源了。 *這次的精裝雙CD跟Crossroads精裝版一樣,有多少order就會印多少,也不會大量發行,三天已經有100個order,謝謝大家!
Link on bio? https://musicbee.cc/project/madeinhongkong
New mock up dummy samples for the very limited 2CD Edition of
Link in bio? https://musicbee.cc/project/madeinhongkong
You guys are amazing! Just two days...
Link on the main page info ? https://musicbee.cc/project/madeinhongkong
《Mr. and Mrs Chan》 (陳忠漢與趙美鳳) is a song about Hong Kong cultural heritage. The melody structure (小曲 / siu kuk) is uniquely 'Cantonese', and the sound is how Chinese music can be different among all music styles in the world.
The story is the typical working class story in the 70's. That's the very force which made Hong Kong thrive in the past, and a labour of love that paved the future for the real kicking off in the 80's.
We all have to know where we're coming from to go further.
沒有多想只向前行 就算青春難復再 共你踩踩踩終於踩出了路來 繼續去踩踩踩踩踩出個未來 - 陳忠漢與趙美鳳 《Made in Hong Kong》live album plus將會有兩個《陳忠漢與趙美鳳》錄音室版本,絕對是made in hong kong的極致精神?