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As colorful as it gets. 純,色

nofilters #wholefoods

9 年多 前 324 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


ChetCatchOfTheDay #chetlam #林一峰 #羅啓聰

・・・ 第2首新歌 #荔枝山Rocky 放在 #Note13.net的youtube channel上

歡迎瀏覽 http://youtu.be/UoGF3r5NtuQ

Rocky是我的寵物,亦係我的好兄弟! 不經不覺,牠已經離開了我一年,但牠保護我的情景,還歷歷在目..... 你們有與好朋友?的故事嗎? 我也想知道您們的故事,

歡迎分享到荔枝山Rocky的Youtube Channel??? #歡迎你們將祝福留言到

荔枝山Rocky 的 Youtube Channel 上

多謝一峰 的曲,詞 ,監 @chetlam 好好紀念了我這一位好友

InSpring production:

@dickui @fai_bassman @ksnowg @jerkyk

9 年多 前 148 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

在汗水與陽光之間最好的味道,清爽感覺more than良好

Feels GOOD between sunshine and sweat. Love this smell... #ChetCatchOfTheDay #林一峰 #chetlam #loccitane, #mencare, #menstyle

9 年多 前 211 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Best burger ever: Southern Fry. Dry outside moist outside, right size.

ChetCatchOfTheDay #林一峰 #chetlam #plancheck

9 年多 前 257 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I am eating ice-cream from this Portland based artisan ice-cream shop. Guess what flavor I am having: 1) Peking Duck Bun 2) Mole Chicken Taco 3) Roasted sesame I am serious. At least one of the above exists.

chetlam #ChetCatchOfTheDay #林一峰

9 年多 前 282 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

禮物:HTC ONE M9!Thank you HTC! I will use it to capture the cheering crowd from the stage after a show next time... Well I hope they will be cheering ;) #ChetCatchOfTheDay #chetlam #HTCOneM9

9 年多 前 290 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

People, Wild Tales has got to be the BEST movie I have watched this year so far. Could make it my life time top 3. Watch it and let yourself lose control... #ChetCatchOfTheDay #WildTales

9 年多 前 157 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Craft beer with Sichuan pepper flavor. Yes, you read it right.

chetlam #ChetCatchOfTheDay #mikkeller #林一峰 #craftbeer

9 年多 前 286 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Shy guy. I almost brought him home... Almost.

chetlam #ChetCatchOfTheDay #林一峰

9 年多 前 320 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I took these four different pictures from the same window on the plane in the sky. Secret codes at the bottom...

chetlam #walkquietdreamloud #林一峰

9 年多 前 275 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



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