? Beer is cheaper than water and we were only 1/4 of the way up the staircase. What else were we to do? ? CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #prague #praguecastle #endlessstairs #morningbeer #keepinitclassy
Tony wearing his favourite t-shirt ? ? while playing his favourite guitar in Prague ??? Such an amazing city! We can’t wait to go back! CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #fightorflight #guitar #prague #gretsch #gretschguitars #albumrelease #europeantour
Coming home to Canada ?? Sad to leave Europe; but excited to get back home! ? It’s been an amazing tour!!! ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #europe #europeantour #pearsonairport #gatwick #livemusic #airportdelays #luggagenightmare #pearsonisamess
OMG, after 35 years ABBA is coming back with a new album and tour! ? CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #abba #music #newmusic #dancingqueen #takeachanceonme #disco
It was an amazing European Tour ?We visited every Hard Rock along the way! CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #hardrockcafe #hardrocklondon #hardrockparis #hardrockmunich #hardrockvenice #hardrockrome #hardrockflorence #hardrockvienna #hardrockprague #hardrockbrussels #europeantour #london #paris #munich #stuttgart #venice #rome #florence #vienna #prague #luxembourg #brussels
Hangin’ with the Queen at Buckingham Palace ? CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #buckinghampalace #england #royalty #queenelizabeth #london #sightseeing #europetour #bucketlist
Can’t get “Rock me Amadeus” out of our head. CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #cutronemusic #falco #mozart #amadeus #vienna #austria #opera #operahouse #europeantour #rockmeamadeus
Visiting Jim Morrison’s permanent resting place ???CutroneMusic.com #cutrone #paris #cutronemusic #jimmorrison #thedoors #doors #jimmorrisongrave
Imagine Bono and Blondie singing duets about social injustice, love, betrayal, mental illness and murder.