If you know me well... I'm a guy who doesn't ever need to have many electric guitars... I have two electric guitars as I've blogged about ages ago! HERE I used them a lot... they all get their lovin from me...
I'll buy a guitar that gives me that special gut feeling... I also believe that it's the player's touch that makes the guitar sound good. I'm not saying that any cheap guitar sounds great.. you still try 'em out!!!
OK...do you guys remember the movie 'Wayne's World' ???
Do you remember the scene when Wayne walks by the music instrument store and drools over a white Stratocaster! Here's the scene when he finally buys it!
Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=WStE470Nu4s&eurl=http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=waynes+world&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefo Waaakakakkaa!!! Excalibur!!! No Stairway to Heaven.. Denied!!!
OK back to my story...
Every time I ever go to Tom Lee (Music store in HK) I walk in the guitar section and behind enclosed glass I drool over this baby!!!! This would be my 'Excalibur'!!!
It's like two guitars got married and went on a mad crazy love making honeymoon and created this just for me!!!! Well there must have been a lot of love makin' cos they only made 100 !!!!!!
Every time I'm at the store... I stand in front of it for at least 3-5 mins and listen to it call out to me... " Save me Don! Save me!!! My life will be safe and complete in your hands!"
Ohh can't see the price tag??? This is the part that makes me cry!!!
Ohh... but wait..... there's more tempatation... 20% Off!!!!!
So thats...
ouch ouch ouch!!!!
I went online and found one on www.music123.com
That's US$ incase you're wondering!
So that's....
$lightly cheaper but still... ouchy!
One day I'm gonna save enough cash to walk into the shop and test it and probably buy it!!!
Yesterday I got back from a night in Macau at the MGM hotel (Very very very niiiiiiiice)....
And Yeah! I went gambling with hopes of making loads of cash to buy this baby... unfortunatly I barely broke even.... Hopefully I win the lucky draw and win one of these babies...
Then I can definitly buy the guitar!!! woohooo!!!!
Being the sad bastard that I am.... I changed my desktop wall paper with this!
She will be mine!!! Ohh yes, she will be mine...
Got any names for her?