If you know me well... I'm a guy who doesn't ever need to have many electric guitars... I have two electric guitars as I've blogged about ages ago! HERE I used them a lot... they all get their lovin from me...
I'll buy a guitar that gives me that special gut feeling... I also believe that it's the player's touch that makes the guitar sound good. I'm not saying that any cheap guitar sounds great.. you still tr...Read more
Interesting title... And it's true!
I just saw this trailer on apple trailers...
It's an interesting concept...
Here's a short trailer on youtube but i highly recommend seeing it on apple trailers!!!
Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=myaNFujV2aw Here's a song teaser......Read more
I've been watching a lot of films recently and the other day I was at the apple trailers site and watched a whole bunch of goodness... Well... more like hope for some good shit. There still hasn't been many movies that have really sold me. It's all been more of a "Yeah, that was pretty good... but not amazing". I still think 'Casino Royale' is the best film recently and that was years ago already!!! Did I like Quantum ...Read more
Super Kitty high 5ing in the air!
She's 5 months now... still a cutie and sweet kitty.
OK... so what's happened in Sept - Oct
1. We all almost lost our hearing at club PP in TST East. This club is huuuuge inside. It was for a Josie Ho show and the sound setup in that club is crazy!! It's practically f...Read more
PLS check Audiotraffic's page that has some important news... I know I know... That page rarely gets updated... But there will soon be a brand spanking new Audiotraffic official website soon!!!
Got back from Taiwan few days ago... We ate loads of great food and played a show for Josie Ho at the wall! The Wall is a pretty sweet place to play a show... great sound crew there! They did a great job... Very pro... Again it depresses me that HK doesn't have a venue like this!!!
Ohh Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo... Why are you so awesome... You took my money and all of your food prevents me from eating Japanese food in HK!!!! Make sure to bring wads of cash when you go to Tokyo... Or you'll end up like me... Broke ass!!! I spent it all there and I dont regret it.. every penny spent was worth it!!!! I went to Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ochanomizu, Odaiba and Akihabara!!! I saw and tasted the best of the best!!!! And I walked on a road of heaven and ate a meal that could have been my last!!! OK Big than...Read more
I've only been in Tokyo for 3 days so far and I'm livin' & lovin' it to the MAXimum!!!
Here's the first thing I did!....
Haahahahaha!!! I was told to go drink an ice cold Kirin draft beer... It was magic.. So much better than the bottled stuff we get back home.
3 days and I've almost emptied my bank account!!! 4 days to go wooohooo!
Here's...Read more
Let's Fight III videos thanks to http://www.alivenotdead.com/solersu... She rocks! She gets everything up online so quickly!!! Ho Ging!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrwGAjs4IPk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrwGAjs4IPk&fmt=18 - HIGHER QUALITY
Video: Read more