Dough Boy
音乐监製, 说唱歌手
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Mosquito Bites!

Was helping my friend with the production of his film project. We shot a sequence near some grass field. Cos of the location and the weather, the place was full of insects and bugs. i had centipedes wriggling their way up my jeans, a worm crawling on my neck and a lot of mosquitos suckin blood out of my damn arms. Both my arms itch like shit now. But its all good though, i love filming and workin together with people.

I'll step out from behind the camera tomorrow and be the one being shot. We'll be doing a performance video for www.stage-tube.com. I gotta wear a jacket or somethin to cover up these bite marks on my arms or I'll look as if i have some strange skin disease.  We'll be performing our new song "Fantasy Island" inspired by Redang Island. Hope we could get this on the radio in Malaysia.

Aside from the whole mosquito bite drama, my dad's been taking time off his busy schedule and helpin me arrange shit and look for schools. Im a grown-up but he knows that i'll laze around as usual so he had to help me out. Hope i dont screw up again and really make an effort to get a those high dips and degrees this time. I cant afford to waste anymore time and drain my youth away. Really really appreciate what my dad has done for me throughout these years of my life. Im pursuing my studies to prepare for the future and i do it for mom and dad. I love the both of yall.

Havent been feeling too good these days. Maybe i just dont understand. Maybe I was never given a chance to do so. Or maybe you dont understand me. I don't know whats happening and I damn sure dont like this. Maybe we both feel the same way and you just dont bother to know.

Shit this whole damn blog is goin way off-topic. Anyways, hope my arms recover, hope that i get into the school i want, hope my parents could be proud of me, hope you would tell me how you feel, and hope all those dickriders and suckers go to hell and die before I rip off my innocent-looking mask and beat the shit out of yall.

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 429830
omg~ poor u
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 446869
接近 15 年 ago


Chronicles of the little skinny dude


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 10, 2008