Harry Yuan
体育教练, 模特儿, 笔者
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Bad Things Happen in Three's

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBEYyHGbwto

My mother always told me that bad things come in three's.  Unfortunately no matter what we do, we always experience bad things in life, but hey lets make the best of them.

My last trip to HK I had a strain of great luck! I feel larger then life, and a bit euphoric.  My karma could only be so good!  Since I've returned to SF, I've had a strain of bad luck :(

At the beginning of last week my computer finally decided to crash.  I knew it was coming, cause it was acting funny for the last two months.  I had recently serviced the computer and gotten a new motherboard.  You'd think that everything would work fine in that case, but it didn't.  On Monday my beautiful black macbook decided to give me the most annoying beeping sound.  I immediatly went to the mac store.  Yet another motherboard needed to be replaced.  The downfall was that this time I had lost all of my hard drive information for the last month.  Apparently the Time Capsule I had recently purchased had some problems w/ the Mac Book.  This catestrophic event put me out of date for my Case study that was due on the 30th.  I had lost my whole updates on the case study and now, I may or may not make my level 3 exercise class in August.

When I was in HK I had stopped to see my father, who needed me to transport some money.  Funny enough is that this somehow came to bite me in the ass.  My father is a very business like man, and isn't exactly lenient.  I got back and e billed my dad so the check would clear faster.  Perhaps I should have written a check, but I had none left so the e bill was the fastest course of action.  Somehow the universe lost this check in the mail, which didn't go well w/ the pops.  Water under the bridge for me, it would just take an extra week to void and resend the check.  I had to use my own savings to assure my banks sincerity.

This past Saturday, I had planned to hang out w/ a friend, it was apparently one of his friends b-day parties.  The problem that arose here was that he mistook the name.  He thought the place they were going was Rohan, but in reality it was Rohn.  Rohan was close to my house which enabled me to take a little motorcycle pleasure cruse.  Rohn is clear cut across town, and I wouldn't consider it wise to ride a motorcycle @ 1 or 2 am w/ a bunch of drunk drivers.  Alas I find out last minute that we have to go to Rohn not Rohan.  My only choice is to hop onto the motorcycle and head down town.  I arrived in a timely fashion, but somehow I later found that I had lost my motorcycle key in my spastic rush.  So I had no choice but to leave my motorcycle on the street.  I left it for a day, because it was impossible to get a lock smith to my bike on Sunday.  On Monday more bad news had taken place.  The bike was towed.  Now not only did I have the key as an expense, but also a nice fat check to the SF Parking and traffic.  The icing on the cake is of course that I still got a ticket, as if the tow wasn't enough.

My three exciting and very dumb events keep me humble, and tell me that I'm an idiot for not backing myself up.  All of these things could have easily been avoided had I backed up my stuff every day, made a spare key for my motorcycle, and had a check handy.  So, my $500 lesson today was to teach me to prevent not prepare for the terrible three's.


大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
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I think we experience these things so that we can learn from our mistakes...and prepare us for the really serious catastrophes that happen in life. so...think of it this way, at least your computer wasn't stolen....at least, you didn't get $1,000 U.S. stolen from your backback in Shenzhen like our responsible father did....and at least, you didn't get in some major accident. I love you Harry...but, you are just as clumsy as I am..and these things that keep happening to us...hopefully, will make us more aware and responsible in the future...
大约 16 年 ago


Don't Panic, It's Organic


english, mandarin
United States
April 17, 2007