Harry Yuan
体育教练, 模特儿, 笔者
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Surf the Phalt: Kate Red Moves with us in Byron Bay

by Harry.

This week we want to put the spotlight Kate Red, longboard skater in Byron Bay.  Our friend Nico, the owner of Bayleaf Cafe, told us about Kate’s “awesome longboard style.”  Kate works at Bayleaf as a barista.  When she isn’t pulling espresso shots she can be found riding around town inspiring other young riders.  After watching Kate for 15 minutes, I knew she was going to be an ideal candidate for an OH video.

I asked Kate “Why do you skate?” She told me “For meditation, and because it’s freedom.”  Skating is something I’ve always loved, but was never good at.  Watching Kate skate made me a smile.  It’s inspiring to see someone so passionate about a physical activity.  Skating is a big part of her life to keep fit, healthy and to relax.

Working at Bayleaf, Kate is also very conscious of eating local organic foods.  Serving some of Australia’s best coffee and food she knows what’s good for her!

I published this video on July 29th for Kate’s Birthday.  I hope you enjoy it as much as she did.

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Don't Panic, It's Organic


english, mandarin
United States
April 17, 2007