This video is a easy cookie cut way of explaining global warming, and the precautions of global warming, to a very misinformed individual. I love it because we still have maybe half of the US population and 1/3 of the world population in skepticism about global warming.
I hate to bring this issue up over and over again, but it keeps coming across my path, and I feel it is important that I spread my thoughts on this matter.
I recently was at a magazine opening with a new friend of mine. During this premere we discussed the atrocities that face man kind. In our conversation, we had spoken about many of the positives and negatives about humanity. Finally we came to "The Red Sky Prophesy." Which was written by Tom Brown Jr. This prophesy was handed to him from his grandfather in the 1920's. Since then he has written about this and it is now posted on
For those of you who are too lazy to read the article. I will sum up.
Tom's grandfather was a Native American who took spiritual journeys, and had the gift of clairvoyance. He would have visions of the future. Of these visions the four warning signs of man's extinction were the most important.
The first two signs of man's extinction were the most crucial, because once the third approached there would be no turning the earth back to mercy.
The First Sign
A massive famine would occur which is blamed on the weather, and nature, but really was due to the over population of the earth (this has already occured, maybe not in the US, HK, etc. but it happened in Africa and is still happening). Along with this famine there would be a disease created by monkeys, drugs, and sex (we know this as AIDS).
The Second Sign
This sign is that there will be holes in the sky (holes in our ozone layer) which cause raging weather patterns and storms, as well as massive earthquakes. After this sign, humans could reach the point of no return. The only way to heal the earth is to go back into nature, and change the lifestyle and ways of man. This must be done not only physically, but spiritually as well. Praying for the earth to heal itself.
The Third Sign
The Sky will turn Red and the stars will bleed from the heavens (I believe this to be from nuclear attacks on a global scale, which have not occurred yet). After this sing, man will have one year to go into the deepest forest to survive.
The Fourth Sign
Finally the survivors in the deepest forests, will be the only ones to survive. A massive famine, disease, plagues, war, will all break loose where man's society is. It will take 10 years for this plague to cease and for the earth to heal itself. In this 10 year process leaving the forest and deepest parts of the earth cannot occur if one wants to survive. The curiosity of one can lead to the death of many. After the earth heals itself, man must only be with nature, for he has no other option.
We are right now in the 2nd sign, and approaching the 3rd. We have a chance to make a difference in the world. The solution to this problem isn't as easy as saying "the population is just too big, we just need to fix that." We must fix our philosophy, we must go back to the ways of nature. This doesn't mean look like Tarzan, but it does mean live sustainably. It is time for you to spread the world. If you read this spread the video, spread this blog. It is crucial. We all have a chance to change the world for the better. If the 3rd sign comes take the other like minded and go into hiding, for we will never live life like we have seen it today.
I truly mean it when I say "It is the greatest time to be alive" because now we have the opportunity to prevent mankind from going to extinction. Call me crazy, but in the end, if I am wrong, it is because we prevented the third and fourth sign. Tell your friends family and loved ones. I say this quote quite often, but every time I read it, I feel it has a different meaning
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Don't Panic, It's Organic