Ok, I was chatting with a friend when a little bit of a light bulb came on. The topic of sex came up and she said "I don't need sex." My answer of course is "Everyone needs sex." It baffles me that people are in denial of this. So, I thought I'd write a little blurb on sex and it's importance to humanity.If I was conservative, I'd say that sex is only to create kids. If you haven't guessed I'm the opposite of conservative. I'm writing a blog about sex for heavens sake. I've spent most of my existence exploring and understanding why sex is important. I've read many books on how to perform good sex, spiritual books on love and sex, the philosophy of sex, and of course the psychology sex. You could say that sex is my second full time job.Spiritual importance?If you think about magnets and males and females. Women would be the negative end, and men would be the positive end (No this has nothing to do with actual negativity or positivity). In abrahamic religions we know them as Adam (positive) and Eve (negative). This is the attraction of men to women we are after all polar opposites. Even the genitalia of males look like a plus and women a minus. When positive and negative come together, it makes a zero. In essence zero is GOD! Think about it. Zero is an infinite number, if you multiply anything by zero it goes to zero! So, what I'm saying is that sex is what brings positive and negative together making zero. Basically it's a spiritual experience. It's what brings people as close to "GOD" as they can be. And yet be bastardize it.Is it not ironic that something that brings you closer to god creates? "Created in the image of god." Hm. I think the image of god is sex, and I think we're now talking about how humanity came to existence, sex. But wait, that does not mean that every time you have sex, you should be ready to have a bun in the oven. You can be closer to god with out creating. Really I think it might just be a mistake until you can create yourself first. But, guess what. Other then a great feeling if, you work on it, sex can be a way to get yourself closer to yourself as well!Psychological importanceUh endorphin release and it brings two closer together. Wow that's a text book answer. How about the very fact that it can really help you understand yourself. If you understand yourself you can really get to know your significant other better. Now if you're on a journey and sleeping with as many beings, you might just be preparing yourself for that person that you might be able to share yourself with. Or you could just be on a journey to helping other's with their future sexual partners. Have you ever had someone that you've slept with or had a relationship with that you've grown from? You're answer should be yes, unless your a virgin. We should all be learning in our sexual experiences. But why aren't we? Because we are closed off and don't understand or see the benefits from it. Not to mention we have a misunderstanding that sex is a terrible thing. No it's not! not as long as you learn from it. If you don't then, it's a terrible thing.How to get good at sex?Practice, practice and more practice. But that doesn't mean sleep with every girl/boy in town. That means share with one person for a certain period of time, and get to know each button that you can push. I'm sick of guys not learning about how to give girls orgasms. And I'm sick of girls who don't know how to please a man. Get with someone and practice. Read books like "The Multi-Orgasmic Couple". Find the clitoris, a-spot, deep spot, g-spot, and ass spot! Each button that you push you grow closer to that person. Each button you push is a new growth for you and for that person. Quite having one night stands because it's not a sure fire way to have great sex, it's a sure fire way for you to get an STD. Not that I'm downing one night stands, it has it's place. But, for practice sake. Find someone and have sex with them, hell make love to them. Get a 365 position book and use it until the pages start falling out.If anyone found this blog offensive you have my apology in advance. I'm telling the truth as I see it. If you don't agree. You have every right to disagree as I have every right to my opinion. And I'm not the most grammatical person, so if this needs clarification just leave a message below. Enjoy and remember have sex!
Don't Panic, It's Organic