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Charlie Yeung#2!!!|「翻版楊釆妮」!!!|「翻版杨釆妮」!!!

so i said im gonna post the pics up from edmond's wedding! yes, i was trying to turn the table around for everyone's image of me!! it scared not only the newly weds, as well as my friends, our guests, and myself!! the girls from the wedding party couldnt recognize me when they were standinng just next to me, i cant even recognize myself when i looked into the mirror!!

please ladies and gentlemen, be prepared before u scroll down!! these pic totally test ur limits!! (if u just finished eating, ur recommanded not to look! i dont want you to vomit!!... coz you probably would!! hahaaa...)

tada.... Charlie Yeung #2!!! hahahaa...

this is just like when they did for the lemon tea advertisement back in the days!!! (~~lalala~~lala~~~) hahahaaa

this is what you call 'scary movie 5'!! (honestly i cant even handle seeing this pic!) Edwin said i looked like Christin Eng! it does a bit if you really look into it... but i still think it was more like Charlie #2! hahahahhaa.....

this one --- "no dress for me'!! (look how i sit!)

this one--- 'back to original'!!! (told you no dress for me!)

so how are you doing with these elegant 'Charlie Yeung #2' pictures? My hair stylist Tavin told me not to make big moves or speak too loud after he did my hair, or else its gonna kill this 'elegant look'!! too bad, i cant do it! telling me not to speak is worse than putting me in hell!!

thanks should be given to Andy Leung for the beautiful pictures!!



請各位喺睇以下呢幾張相之前有定心理準備!因為呢啲相係挑戰你地嘅感觀極限!!! (如果你啱啱食飽飯的話,你千祈唔好look落去睇!我驚你會嘔!!!...應該會!! hahhaaa...)

登登登登.......「翻版楊采妮」!!! hahaha....

呢張直頭係檸檬茶廣告啦!!! (~~如陽光~~伴我~~) hahhahaa....

呢張叫「怪談---有排你驚」!! (講真我自己都有啲頂唔順呢張咁斯文嘅相!) Edwin話我似伍詠微! 睇落又係有啲似......不過我都係覺得似楊采妮多啲! hahahahhaa.....

呢張係----「我唔着得裙」!! (因為我一向坐得好粗魯!)

呢張叫-----「原型畢露」啦!!! (我都話我唔着得裙架啦!!)

呢輯斯文版嘅「翻版楊采妮」係咪令大家想反胃同感到不安呢??!!我髮型師Tavin幫我整完呢個「Pantene Pro V頭」之後叫我唔好出聲講嘢同埋唔好咁大動作咁郁!唔係就會破壞晒呢個「斯文Look」架啦!! 好可惜....我辦唔到!!唔比我講嘢,對我嚟講實在比死更難受!!!

而我亦喺當晚由「爛命倫」(小弟一直以嚟喺江湖上嘅花名!)變為「閃咭倫」!!!死未!! hahhaha....

好多謝全城最有前途、最有型嘅著名星級化妝師好友Andy Leung柱哥幫我影咗呢一輯咁驚心動魄嘅靚相!!真有幸梁學柱先生近期迷上攝影!柱哥:你嘅攝影技巧已經漸漸迫近你出神入化嘅化妝技巧啦!!轉行啦!!! heeheehee....



请各位喺睇以下呢几张相之前有定心理准备!因为呢啲相係挑战你地嘅感观极限!!! (如果你啱啱食饱饭的话,你千祈唔好look落去睇!我惊你会呕!!!...应该会!! hahhaaa...)

登登登登.......「翻版杨采妮」!!! hahaha....

< br>呢张直头係柠檬茶广告啦!!! (~~如阳光~~伴我~~) hahhahaa....

< br>呢张叫「怪谈---有排你惊」!! (讲真我自己都有啲顶唔顺呢张咁斯文嘅相!) Edwin话我似伍咏微! 睇落又係有啲似......不过我都係觉得似杨采妮多啲! hahahahhaa.....

< br>呢张係----「我唔着得裙」!! (因为我一向坐得好粗鲁!)

< br>呢张叫-----「原型毕露」啦!!! (我都话我唔着得裙架啦!!)

< br>呢辑斯文版嘅「翻版杨采妮」係咪令大家想反胃同感到不安呢??!!我髮型师Tavin帮我整完呢个「Pantene Pro V头」之后叫我唔好出声讲嘢同埋唔好咁大动作咁郁!唔係就会破坏晒呢个「斯文Look」架啦!! 好可惜....我办唔到!!唔比我讲嘢,对我嚟讲实在比死更难受!!!

而我亦喺当晚由「烂命伦」(小弟一直以嚟喺江湖上嘅花名!)变为「闪咭伦」!!!死未!! hahhaha....

好多谢全城最有前途、最有型嘅着名星级化妆师好友Andy Leung柱哥帮我影咗呢一辑咁惊心动魄嘅靓相!!真有幸梁学柱先生近期迷上摄影!柱哥:你嘅摄影技巧已经渐渐迫近你出神入化嘅化妆技巧啦!!转行啦!!! heeheehee....

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
Kevinli da kevinli
hi charlie!!!..when u release ur next album ar??
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 40915
chalie's awesome
接近 16 年 ago
Palwong 45 palwong
Nice Photos~!
接近 16 年 ago
haha... i think u r prettier than 楊采妮, younger than 伍詠微 so... hmm.....aarrrrrrrrrrr..... Helen, u should keep this style until u 嘔 first, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Honestly u look really nice!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 112191
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 23833
Pretty!! Happy New Year! =D
接近 16 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Hong Kong
December 1, 2008